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When is the next ES update coming?

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12 years ago
May 22, 2012, 4:14:38 AM
Posting it here so as not to clutter the main forum with what I assume has been asked before.

I only bring it up because I'm honestly a little discouraged from playing the game at the moment. It's quite frankly impossible for me to wage war with another empire because their ships love to drift during my turn so I can't intercept them, and they don't seem to care about what territories I own or are under my influence because empires I'm at Cold War with just waltz into my boundaries and float around, blockading me wherever they please.

I just wanna build a giant Craver fleet and demolish at least ONE race, but I can't do that until the array of bugs is at least cut down a bit, which I assume is in the next update. Any idea when it's rolling out? This month? Next? late July?
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12 years ago
May 22, 2012, 8:24:25 AM
Considering that the Beta should be coming in a couple of weeks I'd say... pretty soon smiley: smile
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