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What Sound Track from a game is your personal favorite?

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10 years ago
May 5, 2014, 8:15:00 AM
Frozen Endzone Soundtrack

Frozen Synapse Soundtrack

House on Fire from the game Contrast

the radio stations in Vice City and the Fallout Games.

And more smiley: smile
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10 years ago
May 16, 2014, 5:16:20 AM
My favorite vidyagaem OST is definitely a tie between Hotline Miami and Bastion.

They both just fit the themes of the games and when they're played so well...

SO GOOD smiley: slim
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10 years ago
May 16, 2014, 4:38:24 AM
Depends on how far back we are talking. Mortal Combat is hard to beat with a stick, but more recently Boarderlands and Skyrim both have very big sticks.
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10 years ago
May 13, 2014, 8:26:21 AM
Payday 2's soundtrack is really well done, along with FTL. Endless Space wins the Space Opera prize though.
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10 years ago
May 10, 2014, 8:00:54 AM
To be honest, Endless Space's soundtrack still hold it for me. Even if I'm not playing the game, I often at least have the music on in the background, if I'm not playing something where such would be distracting.
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10 years ago
May 7, 2014, 8:29:39 PM
Age of Wonders 1 OST is pure gem.

Heartwood Forest

Just another one, March of the halflings

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10 years ago
May 1, 2014, 3:45:21 PM
Divine_Moments_of_Truth wrote:
It's hard to point one specific favourite but I can name a few amazing soundtracks: nearly all the soundtracks by Jeremy Soule (e.g. The Elder Scrolls series, Total Annihilation), Total War (Jeff van Dyck's), Modern Warfare 1 and 2, Sim City 4, Star Control 2...

Never cared enough to play C&C Generals so these are new to me. And they are decent! Thanks man.

You are welcome.

Personally I love the GLA's music.
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10 years ago
Apr 29, 2014, 5:24:12 PM
Does it only include games that I've personally played?

If so, then my answer is beyond a doubt the soundtrack for Prince of Persia: Warrior Within smiley: stickouttongueower:

Here's an example of what I mean:

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10 years ago
Apr 27, 2014, 7:02:46 PM
It's hard to point one specific favourite but I can name a few amazing soundtracks: nearly all the soundtracks by Jeremy Soule (e.g. The Elder Scrolls series, Total Annihilation), Total War (Jeff van Dyck's), Modern Warfare 1 and 2, Sim City 4, Star Control 2...

Igncom1 wrote:
[...] Here is mine.

Never cared enough to play C&C Generals so these are new to me. And they are decent! Thanks man.
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10 years ago
Apr 23, 2014, 7:06:00 PM
Depends on what I'm doing - Typically I put on the combined X series soundtrack on if I'm playing something like Endless Space or Distant Worlds.

For shooters and such I usually use 80s Rock and Metal albums and such. smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Apr 21, 2014, 6:53:32 PM
VieuxChat wrote:
The ascendancy soundtrack was awesome smiley: biggrin

But my prefered one is the one from Crono Trigger and Crono Cross. By far.

Never played those. Can you youtube a couple of your favorites?
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10 years ago
Apr 19, 2014, 6:28:46 PM
The ascendancy soundtrack was awesome smiley: biggrin

But my prefered one is the one from Crono Trigger and Crono Cross. By far.
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