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Star Citizen Dogfighting Module!

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10 years ago
May 21, 2014, 6:11:26 PM
So, I came across this not too long ago...


Anyone else excited for this? I know there were a lot of us talking about Star Citizen back when this forum only had Endless Space. I just can't wait for a good sci-fi simulator...I know Star Citizen will be more than that, but right now, all I really have is Star Wars: The Old Republic, and you can only get destroyed so many times in that before you really start wishing you had something else to be blown to smithereens in.
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10 years ago
May 21, 2014, 6:15:05 PM
Yeah, I'm a citizen for a long time, now, and cannot await shooting others with my Origin 300i. smiley: wink
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10 years ago
May 21, 2014, 6:18:33 PM
I will never go out with my friends to do anything outside EVER again.

Also i will just buy a new PC just for this game^^
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10 years ago
May 21, 2014, 6:22:35 PM
Hah, nice Nos. I just have the Constellation right now from my pledge, but once I get another paycheck or two, I plan to buy one of the Hornet models as well.

But I'm probably in the same boat as you Sovereign...Though, I'm hoping my computer will be working again by the 29th. It just decided to die today, so, I think I need to do a complete wipe and reinstall my OS. Which will be rough, as, I have no idea where those disks disappeared to >>;;
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10 years ago
Jun 23, 2014, 3:42:07 PM
FinalStrigon wrote:
So, I came across this not too long ago...


Anyone else excited for this? I know there were a lot of us talking about Star Citizen back when this forum only had Endless Space. I just can't wait for a good sci-fi simulator...I know Star Citizen will be more than that, but right now, all I really have is Star Wars: The Old Republic, and you can only get destroyed so many times in that before you really start wishing you had something else to be blown to smithereens in.

I hope the game will be as awesome as they make it look like. I donated 100$

However I have my doubts... they are putting sooo much work into the graphical assets that the game might end up lacking depth smiley: frown
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