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Kaiju-a-Gogo - achieve total world domination with a... pet

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10 years ago
Jun 9, 2014, 1:38:12 PM
Well, the incredible start led to an incredibly slow continuation... So, the project is slightly over half funded and needs your help. For the sake of world destruction, chip in and raise your Kaiju. There are more of them available now, do check the new info on the KS page. If you want to stomp that bank, it is now or never.
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10 years ago
Jul 1, 2014, 7:18:03 AM
Kickstarter campaign and the supporters made it seem as though the new campaign should be a simple routine, yet it turned into a new round of painful raising of necessary funds. Mrs. Arinn Dembo, Producer and Lead Writer for Kaiju-a-gogo, may has found the reasons behind the phenomena and wants to clear this up with previous pledgers.

Recently a very good friend spoke to me privately about the current Kerberos crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo. Specifically, he was telling me that he was not surprised that so few of the people who had supported our Kickstarter Campaign were following our team to support our game on a different crowdfunding platform.

I had said that I couldn’t understand why less than 20% of our former supporters were still willing to pitch in, when we had actually found a way to offer them a better deal for their support. And what he told me…truly alarmed me.

He said that people didn’t actually believe that we needed their support.

Our Kickstarter failed, and we found a reason to persevere and came up with a new plan that would still allow us to make a game. And they assumed that because we were willing to do that, it must mean that crowdfunding doesn’t really make a difference to us!

He also told me that this false assumption was specifically my fault. Because I misspoke myself somehow, in an interview. I was too positive about things. I was trying to find a reason to be happy or upbeat about something pretty awful--a failed Kickstarter. But by putting ANY positive spin on a bad situation (“It’s a good promotional opportunity for a small team like us!”), I had somehow convinced people that their crowdfunding dollars were not needed, that Kerberos would be just fine without them.

No, folks. We are not fine without you.

Without your support, we suffer a great deal and we have to rack up debts to continue working.

Read the whole explanation and plea in the newest update at either Kickstarter or IndieGoGo.
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10 years ago
Jun 23, 2014, 1:35:34 PM
We've seen this happen before, and it is happening again. After not reaching a higher goal on Kickstarter, Kerberos adjusts its aim and shoots at Indiegogo in a flexible campaign. Frankly, with a name of the game being what it is, succeeding on Kickstarter would feel a bit odd. smiley: wink If you wanted the game at KS, there is a chance you may want it anywhere, so join the fun at IGG. And if you didn't want the game there, now is your chance to get it elsewhere.

The flexible campaign means that the developer may take whatever it gets, even if the goal is not met - and is also an insurance that the game will be made! As Kerberos likes to accompany the games with later expansions, you can go for very affordable lifetime subscription and save yourself the hassle of buying each expansion separately.
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10 years ago
Jun 14, 2014, 6:30:24 PM
A shame they didn't make it, as I like all of Kerberos' games to some extent, but can't say I'm surprised, since their previous Kickstarter for Ground Pounders only reached ~50% funding as well... and the goal they set for that one was lower. Still, Ground Pounders is being produced -- getting close to beta right now -- so K-A-G probably has a good chance of being made as well, though it will surely take longer than if the Kickstarter had succeeded.
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10 years ago
Jun 10, 2014, 1:47:59 PM
Isn't it basically the same as Kickstarter, except that the developer can take whatever it gets?
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10 years ago
Jun 10, 2014, 11:31:23 AM
I don't recall saying anything about a conspiracy - I was just making a remark on how much I hate IndieGoGo as a platform.
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10 years ago
Jun 10, 2014, 11:07:48 AM
Frankly, it pays out to start a KS campaign even if you don't manage to get funded. They are making the game with or without the additional funds, so for them this is a commercial. Restarting the campaign at IGG is more commercial.

So they collect whatever they get in advance and then sell the game normally. I don't see any conspiracy in that, it can probably lead to a better product due to additional funds in the development cycle. The Pit definitely turned out pretty good and Groundpounders are shaping up very nicely.
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10 years ago
Jun 9, 2014, 3:11:16 PM
Usual story with Kerberos. They can't get enough funding on Kickstarter (Which is saying a lot given their low asking goal) so they'll just restart the campaign on IndieGoGo - Where you can't get your money back if you decide you want to pull out during the funding period for any reason. smiley: sarcastic
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10 years ago
May 16, 2014, 7:15:11 AM
Kerberos Productions, makers of Sword of the Stars (yeah yeah, I know how everybody feels about no. 2, they still want to see it finished though) and crowdfunded games The Pit and Groundpounders, loved the crowdfunding aspect of making games, so here comes Kaiju-a-Gogo.

Fed up with saving Humanity, killing beasts and aliens? They called you MAD in school? They stole your LUNCH MONEY?! It's time to build your SECRET LABORATORY and PLOT REVENGE!

Kaiju-a-gogo is a strategy-action, PC/mobile video-game featuring giant monsters. The player takes on the role of a fledgling Mad Scientist who has built the first human-controlled Kaiju in the world. While your rivals race to catch up with your genius and build their own Kaiju to compete with you, you have a five-year-window to use your Kaiju to achieve total world domination. How could anything less satisfy you, anyway?

Start the game by choosing one of three monsters and its associated Mad Scientist character. You will then begin play at your Secret Lair, an uncharted island, and launch your first attacks upon the unsuspecting world.

Gameplay consists of glorious city-stomping fun, with points and resources gained by smashing every structure still standing and crushing all the armies, navies, police and giant robots that try to stop you. In between attacks, your Kaiju will return to your Secret Lair, and you will allow the monster to rest while you heal and train it with new Abilities.

Support the destruction at Kickstarter, where the updates to the campaign are already abundant, and join the creative discussion at Kaiju-a-Gogo's forum.
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10 years ago
May 23, 2014, 8:31:24 PM
Yea, they won't get a penny of mine again unless it's on a steam sale with 80% or more.
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10 years ago
May 19, 2014, 6:52:27 AM
Without a doubt, they mocked up SotS2 beyond belief. They did continue to update it long after the contract has ended and plan to continue with it though. When funds and the publisher allow. Believe it or not, updating for free is not allowed at this time as it could (so I heard) lead to legal problems as far as ownership goes. So I heard, I'm not a legal expert myself...

This is no excuse, naturally. They did a great job on The Pit though and they are also finishing Ground Pounders, both crowdfunded projects, so I am positive they plan to prove their resolve.
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10 years ago
May 16, 2014, 1:24:54 PM
I'm afraid I don't have as much respect for Kerberos as I used to - They didn't exact prove themselves worthy of their promises to Paradox. I honestly don't blame them for not wanting to fund any additional DLC or Expansions for the game.

That being said, I'd like to see the two part on better terms and let Kerberos produce any additional content for SOTS2 as they want to without the Paradox attachment if at all possible - The SOTS2 customers (and fans in general) have been left out in the cold completely.
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10 years ago
May 16, 2014, 11:34:16 AM
I understand the sentiment, Mansen. I support Kerberos' projects mainly because I absolutely adore Sword of the Stars 1. As SotS2 went pretty bad, they were ditched by the publisher and are trying to get back on their feet without a publisher and, when possible, get back to SotS.

Anyway, I'm sure they will show enough to make a decision in the campaign.
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10 years ago
May 16, 2014, 8:54:12 AM
Mansen wrote:
I'll be honest - It looks like a lot of old flash games that are free.

They need to show off more actual gameplay before I hand them anything.

Signed. But the Kickstarter-Page seems to be ok.
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10 years ago
May 16, 2014, 8:25:34 AM
I'll be honest - It looks like a lot of old flash games that are free.

They need to show off more actual gameplay before I hand them anything.
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