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GamesCom 2014

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10 years ago
Aug 18, 2014, 10:41:49 PM
As promised:

The waffles Nos and I had on Thursday!

adder trying to establish himself as Endless Coaster Flipping Champion

and doing well

meedoc trying to challenge him (sneakily on "too easy" difficulty though as the photo proves)

and not doing so well

Amplimath's B52s (though the waitress' hand, not amplimath's)

I love the smell of burning drinks in the evening

People learning to play Endless Legend

People learning about resources in Dungeon of the Endless

A retro-celebrity dropping in

and trying out Dungeon of the Endless

and doing well (he got to Floor 2, only stopping to let others have a go)

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10 years ago
Aug 25, 2014, 11:32:04 PM
That makes much more sense. I know how the codes work - I thought you were referring to some photo in the thread. smiley: redface
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10 years ago
Aug 25, 2014, 11:10:13 PM
Mansen wrote:
I see no ticket. smiley: commandpoints

He'll have to PM you the code :P
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10 years ago
Aug 25, 2014, 10:29:24 PM
Mansen wrote:
If you still have any LOL codes, I'm sure my kid brother would love one. He's really into the MOBA genre. smiley: smile

You can have Telum's if he doesn't need it smiley: smile

It's on the bottom right of the ticket. Some gibberish made up of both letters and numbers (no spaces) and has to be entered before Sept. 7 at bit.ly/lolgamescom (though that url may take you to the wrong region at first).
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10 years ago
Aug 25, 2014, 9:32:09 PM
If you still have any LOL codes, I'm sure my kid brother would love one. He's really into the MOBA genre. smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Aug 25, 2014, 8:44:14 PM
@telum: he doesn't want any for his friends smiley: smile Prefers being unique over being generous smiley: wink But if it would otherwise go to waste, I'll take it and pass it along to a friend's younger brother who plays a LoL and will enjoy it.

Indie Mega-Booth was such a completly different experience to the rest of the con. At the big publishers people were queing for 2 hours. They'd briefly see two games and then their day would be pretty much over. At the Indie booth you got to actully talk to the people making the games, chat about what you like in gaming, what they like in gaming, what they want to do etc. Surrounded by creative people and able to chat with all of them. Best way to spend your time.
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10 years ago
Aug 25, 2014, 7:48:40 PM
Bit late with reply since I'm super busy with my masters atm.

This was my first trip to Gamescom and I had a blast. It was a pretty crazy experience. I'm so happy I met all the wonderful people from Amplitude as well as melkathi, Nos, adder and adazu! smiley: biggrin

I think the indie booth was my favorite spot. If you ignore the noise it's a very cozy place to check out all the games and hang out with people.

Hehe I almost evaded all the photos, but melkathi managed to capture my nose and forehead in the end I see. smiley: cool

@melkathi: Do you still need some LoL skin codes for your nephew? When I'm at it does anyone else need a code?
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10 years ago
Aug 19, 2014, 10:42:17 AM
I think it's time for me to get an XB1. There are some really awesome Indies coming out for it and DotE is the icing on the cake.

Microsoft has you all to thank for one sale, Amplitude.
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10 years ago
Aug 19, 2014, 10:02:45 AM
Not sure if the link works, but my other GamesCom pics I uploaded on FB
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10 years ago
Aug 15, 2014, 7:41:35 PM
Random images from gamescom:

Running into the banner in the business area

The booth at the entertainment area, being greeted by the wicked smile of an Ardent Mage

Devs busy explaining the games

Nosferatiel busy explaining things to me, though only adder is paying attention while I take pictures :P

The merchant's dog explaining the game

P.S. going to have to get Mysterarts to include him as a secret character

Amplimath explaining the NDA (just love the irony of having a picture of an NDA smiley: wink )

adazu, adder and Nosferatiel listening to the NDA

people we still need to force onto the forum:

meedoc being passionate about Endless Legend

(no pictures of mysterarts being passionate about DotE since I was actually paying attention there :P)
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10 years ago
Aug 16, 2014, 2:18:28 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
So, just got back from Gamescom.

Yes, it was just too loud, there. *has shouted himself hoarse, just like the devs...*

Of course we can sing silent praise of nothing we may tell you about in awestruck and mute unity. smiley: stickouttongue

Gamescon in a nutshell. So many cool things you want to share locked away in NDA.
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10 years ago
Aug 16, 2014, 1:49:40 PM
So, just got back from Gamescom.

Yes, it was just too loud, there. *has shouted himself hoarse, just like the devs...*

Of course we can sing silent praise of nothing we may tell you about in awestruck and mute unity. smiley: stickouttongue
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10 years ago
Aug 16, 2014, 10:43:47 AM
I bet smiley: smile

Didn't read those myself and Steph'nie forbade me uploading a picture of her earplugs (enter rant about forum censorship here smiley: wink )
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10 years ago
Aug 16, 2014, 12:44:48 AM
melkathi wrote:
Sorry I don't have any cool game info.

I know there is some worry among the EL crowd that the game might have come too short but both EL and DotE do have equal representation. The difference I noticed is that it is a bit easier for new players to jump into a quick game of DotE than of EL - not too surprising as 4X games do take far more commitment.

I personally do not have the experience with EL you guys have, so I wouldn't even know what to talk about. I'll see if I find a quiet moment on Sunday at the booth though and get a rundown of public information, as I may be out with non-gamer friends all day tomorrow.

DotE had a dev blog entry just a short while ago, so everyone knows what state that game is in. Yes I watched people play it with an xbox controller. I mostly watched people die because they didn't know what they were doing and for example opened three doors in a row without finishing off the monsters first smiley: wink

I also know the people at Amplitude will make their own post about GamesCom, most likely with better, more interesting pictures (I haven't uploaded the picture of the waffles Nos and I ate Thursday evening...). Though what they really need right now is a bath in a tub of aspirin and a long sleep - the indybooth is right next to the various give-aways and raffles and stuff, so it is the loudest section of the exhibition. Fun fact, in the afternoon today it was almost impossible to talk to indy devs not because of the noise pollution, but because they all finally gave in and got earplugs to survive the day.

Their tweets about earplugs just made a whole lot more sense lol.
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10 years ago
Aug 15, 2014, 11:48:39 PM
Looks like it was a lot of fun - Too bad I missed it (and Paradox's conference. They're also a really cool and down to earth bunch)
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10 years ago
Aug 15, 2014, 11:34:48 PM
Sorry I don't have any cool game info.

I know there is some worry among the EL crowd that the game might have come too short but both EL and DotE do have equal representation. The difference I noticed is that it is a bit easier for new players to jump into a quick game of DotE than of EL - not too surprising as 4X games do take far more commitment.

I personally do not have the experience with EL you guys have, so I wouldn't even know what to talk about. I'll see if I find a quiet moment on Sunday at the booth though and get a rundown of public information, as I may be out with non-gamer friends all day tomorrow.

DotE had a dev blog entry just a short while ago, so everyone knows what state that game is in. Yes I watched people play it with an xbox controller. I mostly watched people die because they didn't know what they were doing and for example opened three doors in a row without finishing off the monsters first smiley: wink

I also know the people at Amplitude will make their own post about GamesCom, most likely with better, more interesting pictures (I haven't uploaded the picture of the waffles Nos and I ate Thursday evening...). Though what they really need right now is a bath in a tub of aspirin and a long sleep - the indybooth is right next to the various give-aways and raffles and stuff, so it is the loudest section of the exhibition. Fun fact, in the afternoon today it was almost impossible to talk to indy devs not because of the noise pollution, but because they all finally gave in and got earplugs to survive the day.
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10 years ago
Aug 15, 2014, 10:01:42 PM
DotBeta wrote:

P.S. How do I get one of those fancy EL shirts smiley: smile

^ ^This. I will pay in dollars, francs, Euros, whatevs.
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10 years ago
Aug 15, 2014, 9:41:36 PM
Dude I was literally just thinking about you being there and wondering if you were going to update on Gamescom. I'm really happy to see you all having a great time! Thanks for posting some pics smiley: smile

P.S. How do I get one of those fancy EL shirts smiley: smile
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