Hey everyone! I thought I'd share that as of the other day/few hours ago, I decided to try making a small community to discuss Early Access titles and people's experiences with them in a constructive manner. It's been my experience that sometimes when asking on a game's own boards how things are going with it in Early Access, you sometimes get unfortunately skewed or not very constructive responses, so I thought making a general community area for these games' discussion could allow for better perspective. When confronted with those not neck deep in experience with a game's development as you are, you might be more inclined to review how you're viewing it and take a few steps back to realize how things really appear.

Alternatively, you may just realize how much better some other developer is doing things and learn about a different game you might enjoy. Kind of a win-win, in that respect. So if you're a redditor type, feel free to contribute posts on your experiences/thoughts either with Amplitude's games or any other Early Access titles you may be keeping tabs on, or if you're not, maybe spread the word? I dunno what may come of this, but I thought it might be a fun experiment if nothing else.

I thought bringing this up here would be a great move to try to balance out the community a little with some more positive accounts, so I hope you all don't mind. =)