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Why being an expert can sometimes be very very stressful

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10 years ago
Oct 27, 2014, 11:32:38 AM
MicheleCharron wrote:
This video is not working for me smiley: frown I am a professional writer working under scholarship essay writing service. I have been suffering from hardful stress from past 6 years. I'l be always infront of the system working out by referring, writing, research etc..!.

Stress is a fact of life, but being stressed out is not. We don’t always have control over what happens to us and yet, that doesn’t mean we have to react to a difficult, challenging situation by becoming frazzled or feeling overwhelmed or distraught. Being overly anxious is not just a mental hazard; it’s a physical one too. The more stressed out we are the more vulnerable we are to colds, flu, and a host of chronic or life-threatening illnesses. And the less open we are to the beauty and pleasure of life.
Um, I think no need a change in profession.
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