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Amplitude: The rising star

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10 years ago
Oct 27, 2014, 2:23:04 PM
Hey Amp-dudes, dudettes and pug (-ettes?)!

I've been along from the Endless Legend Alpha only, having completely missed the Endless Space ship when it sailed, but grabbing every product of yours I can possibly own.

In a ascending hype-madness for DotE's release, I've been reading the reviews for EL and DotE as they stream in... and honestly, the general global response to your studio is just amazing. Every review praises your games for their innovation, amazing delivery, generally spotless code and network integration, fantastic art, the super dev-response and G2G initiative, and the ridiculously amazing soundtracks. There are shout-outs from big studios (Firaxis), whom I believe might actually be playing one of your games at the moment rather than their own, and small nods on every other related game's forums. Almost every video I'm currently watching and some point mentions how Endless Legend/Space just did it better (For instance: in this video, the YouTuber is constantly complaining how he wished Beyond Earth had some feature or the other which Endless Legend/Space have)

So this post (even though it will probably be missed in the general non-interest off-topic forum) is just to say well done on an amazing studio! Hope to see you at Amplitudo-con in a few years' time!
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10 years ago
Oct 27, 2014, 2:27:50 PM
EzekielMoerdyk wrote:
There are shout-outs from big studios

GamesCom was fun, where this big dude in a Witcher 3 t-shirt walked up and bombarded the devs with how huge a fan he is. Turned out he was one of the Witcher 3 programmers or something and he gave an impromptu interview in front of the Amplitude booth smiley: smile (he had some camera crew in tow)
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10 years ago
Oct 27, 2014, 2:40:37 PM
EzekielMoerdyk wrote:
So this post (even though it will probably be missed in the general non-interest off-topic forum) (...)

Post not missed!

I share everything you said, you said it very well, and I think it's very much "on topic". smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Oct 27, 2014, 3:07:01 PM
smiley: approvalsmiley: coolsmiley: approval

I'm waiting ever so patiently for the release as well so I can get my MP on with a few friends, thanks for the kind words and you're not the only one that's so excited We all are too!
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10 years ago
Oct 27, 2014, 4:42:26 PM
EzekielMoerdyk wrote:
Hey Amp-dudes, dudettes and pug (-ettes?)!

I like to call the team the "Amplidudes". FYI, I'm trying to convince Spacetroll at least once a week to get an office pet (a pug, duh) but he just won't listen. Oh well, at least, I got them in Endless Legend and Dungeon of the Endless..! smiley: cool

We often focus on negative things because we want to make the games better (solve issues, balance the games, implement your ideas and so on). We indeed sometimes forget that others (those who are quietly playing our games and having a bit of fun, yes you!) actually think what you just wrote. So really, thank you for reminding us. smiley: smile
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