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I have a pitch for Amplitude Studios for a game idea.

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10 years ago
Nov 4, 2014, 3:35:46 PM
Hello all, this is directed toward the Amplitude Team, but I welcome anyone who wants to either talk about it or give me some direction.

I have a game idea that I have been processing and building with some friends. We have started working on it as a card game just to get the concept in a playable form (this is very VERY early development)

I have also sent a message and an email to Amplitude requesting the opportunity to make my pitch. I understand that I will likely get shot down, but I wanted to give my brain child a chance with a game development company that I love and trust.

I am making this post because I'm not sure on the best way to get a response from Amplitude, although I'm sure they are busy.

I assure you that my game idea is very well rounded and full of content, it has tons of potential. Some of the core game ideas would prove as a challenge to games coders, but I know it's possible because I've seen similar designs in other, older games.

Looking forward to a response.

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10 years ago
Nov 4, 2014, 5:07:23 PM
some_idiot21 wrote:
I like card games. Hope it'll be given a chance. ^^

I'm glad you said that, because I do need to clarify. I do not want the end result of the project to be a card game. I want it to be a video game where you control a character and you "do stuff" I don't wanna give anything away on here for the world to see.

I am just making a card game out of it right now so that I have a playable base to build off of. Who knows, maybe that will take off and be the main thing. It's too early to tell.

Thanks for your Support

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10 years ago
Nov 4, 2014, 5:11:24 PM
Also, my account (this account) got banned by a moderator because he thought I was a bot, or mis-clicked or whatever happened IDK. But all my previous post are now gone. I say that so you guys don't think that I'm just now coming onto the scene trying to pitch a game lol. Ive been here from the beginning, actively a part of the community.

I even did a interview with Amplitudes lead designer on youtube, on Dungeon of the Endless when it was in early access.

Just don't want looks to be deceiving.

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10 years ago
Nov 4, 2014, 5:16:24 PM
It'll be a cool thought of having different groups of cards with different ability, depend on factions. I understand how you feel about not wanting to post for the world to see, don't want people to steal idea or such. Though, I'm excited with those thoughts!
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10 years ago
Nov 4, 2014, 5:29:32 PM
I have a Trello, which is a project management website, that has all of the information about the game so far. Most of the card ideas have been laid out in categories, and each card type has its own subsets. So far we have the ability to create a custom character, based on things like: race, class, alignment. Then take that character and start to play the game. The game is designed for a single player to play by himself under a certain ruleset, the game will play against his actions. However we want up to 6 people to play together.
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10 years ago
Nov 4, 2014, 6:33:59 PM
Multiplayer would be little difficult. PVP based or team vs team or teaming up against certain bosses(AI) for rare loot or what? Just a thought. Sorry about my spelling.

Though, the story mode with cards would be fun. I don't know how to help out, haha.
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10 years ago
Nov 4, 2014, 7:06:35 PM
some_idiot21 wrote:
Multiplayer would be little difficult. PVP based or team vs team or teaming up against certain bosses(AI) for rare loot or what? Just a thought. Sorry about my spelling.

Though, the story mode with cards would be fun. I don't know how to help out, haha.

Kinda hard to help without me giving you any real information haha. Send me a PM and we can talk.
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10 years ago
Nov 4, 2014, 7:21:32 PM
Ravenel wrote:
Also, my account got deleted by a moderator because he thought I was a bot, or mis-clicked or whatever happened IDK.

Deleted - or just banned? If your old posts are still there, you just have to contact Stephnie to get it back. I had mine banned for a day or so as well by accident. When you report that many threads, you're going to misclick eventually. smiley: biggrin
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10 years ago
Nov 4, 2014, 7:27:23 PM
Deleted? o_O

Mods cannot delete accounts. That's stuff only admins can do. If you still know the name of your old account, I can look up whether it still exists, who banned it, if it was banned and not deleted, and why (if it was specified). smiley: confused

I remember there was a thread I answered to, yesterday, that suddenly vanished. This is a bit mysterious...
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10 years ago
Nov 4, 2014, 7:35:12 PM
Banned. I was contacted by a moderator, who explained that it was an accident, but that all my old post are gone, he said he contacted Stephanie about it. I'm not really to concerned, as most of it was very old.
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