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A 4x fan turned author

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9 years ago
Sep 3, 2015, 1:35:25 AM
Thanks guys! You're right Slow, it takes a lot more than I initially thought it would to actually create a novel. I appreciate the process all story tellers go through a lot more now that I've traveled down that path myself. I may not have had a ton of people download my book just yet, but sales are steadily growing and I'm honestly amazed to see people buying it at all based solely on their interest in what I've created. Its the little things like that which keep me motivated to continue writing smiley: smile
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8 years ago
Feb 21, 2017, 8:02:23 PM

All these works seem really fine, at least after the descriptions. Placed on my list of things: ,,to do in unspecified future".

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8 years ago
Feb 21, 2017, 5:02:47 PM

This will be my final necro of this thread because I've launched the third and final book in my space 4x science fiction novel series, Worlds of Words and War.

Check out Destroyer of Worlds if you like end game threats and political disunion in your 4x games but you feel more like picking up a book than turning on your computer.  Here are a couple of links to the book:

Destroyer of Worlds on Amazon

Destroyer of Worlds on Smashwords

Thank you all for your support over the years. I'll continue writing science fiction but I think I'll turn to a different focus that isn't as 4x relevant so this will be the last of my entries in this series. As always, reviews/star ratings are most appreciated!

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8 years ago
Jun 3, 2016, 1:33:32 PM
Frogsquadron wrote:
Nice job! Your cover reminds me quite strongly of mammalian ships in Stellaris. Coincidence? :p

I'll admit that I've made a few custom factions in Stellaris based of the various species in my book :) I've always like the idea of utilitarian space ship designs so that is what I was going for with the cover art. Think Stargate or Halo universe human ship designs, military-industrial in nature.
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8 years ago
May 24, 2016, 1:41:13 PM
Nice job! Your cover reminds me quite strongly of mammalian ships in Stellaris. Coincidence? :p
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8 years ago
May 19, 2016, 12:09:33 AM
Hello once again,

I decided to necro this thread rather than clutter the forum with another one. For those who may have taken a look at my first book mentioned above, I've just released the second book in the Worlds of Words and War series titled A Sleeping Giant. It can be found on Amazon here:


Or in most other e-reader formats here:


The story continues from where it left off, featuring a plot very reminiscent of the 4x space strategy games we love like Endless Space. This time the United Earth Federation comes up against an ancient power awakened by recent events and hungry to regain what it once lost. If you like 4x games, military science fiction, or space operas I suggest you take a look!
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9 years ago
Sep 5, 2015, 3:38:09 PM
melkathi wrote:

Hope the book does well and thousands of thousands read it, and when the movie comes out I can tell people, I knew the author online when he was "just" a gamer. Well, not "just" a gamer - a 4X gamer.

Let us know, if you want, how you feel about the smashwords process. I have my novella sitting hear to throw into the meatgrinder. Just circumstances not allowing me to do so right now smiley: smile


I've had a good experience with Smashword. It was pretty easy to follow the style guide in drafting my novel to be eBook publishing ready. The site itself makes it easy to upload things and track changes. It took about a week for Smashword to distribute the book out to other retailers like Apple and Barnes and Noble, which they now have:



That being said, Amazon is definitely the primary source of my downloads thus far, probably just because of their market share ownership in the eBook publishing world. They've got a pretty nice setup too for uploading a book then tracking downloads and making changes if needed.
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9 years ago
Sep 4, 2015, 6:57:39 AM

Hope the book does well and thousands of thousands read it, and when the movie comes out I can tell people, I knew the author online when he was "just" a gamer. Well, not "just" a gamer - a 4X gamer.

Let us know, if you want, how you feel about the smashwords process. I have my novella sitting hear to throw into the meatgrinder. Just circumstances not allowing me to do so right now smiley: smile
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9 years ago
Aug 28, 2015, 1:45:30 AM
Hello All,

I’ve just published my first science fiction novel and I thought I’d post about it here because I’ve been heavily inspired to write it by my years of playing space strategy games like Endless Space. I’ve even written a few fan fiction pieces before for various games that have received praise which further fueled my drive to actually write a full book.

The setting is very much one in which we often find ourselves playing in the game, with humans and other alien species competing over colonies and resources as they explore, exploit, expand, and even exterminate each other. Influences for me include David Weber’s Honor Harrington and Starfire series, along with Scalzi’s Old Man’s War series and many more. If you think you might be interested I’ll post a few links below of where you can find it:



If the forums rules don’t allow me to post about my book in this manner I’ll be happy to remove the links and/or this post in its entirety, but I just thought I’d share this with a gaming community I am active in which I know shares a similar interest in science fiction as I do.
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9 years ago
Sep 2, 2015, 9:32:17 AM
Congratulations -- few people realize the time and effort required to bring a novel from idea to text.

You, sir, have my respect!

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9 years ago
Aug 29, 2015, 1:47:18 AM
Kingsguard wrote:
Tell me whenever it is translated in french because it looks really interresting smiley: stickouttongue

Will do!

Adventurer_Blitz wrote:
"Female star captain" Yup I can definitely see the Webber inspiration here. Sounds interesting. smiley: biggrin

Yep, nothing quite like a strong female lead character to move a story along. Weber influenced me quite a bit to say the least, but I've come up with some new concepts as far as ship combat and such go.
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9 years ago
Aug 28, 2015, 4:48:24 PM
echo2361 wrote:
Hello All,

I’ve just published my first science fiction novel and I thought I’d post about it here because I’ve been heavily inspired to write it by my years of playing space strategy games like Endless Space. I’ve even written a few fan fiction pieces before for various games that have received praise which further fueled my drive to actually write a full book.

The setting is very much one in which we often find ourselves playing in the game, with humans and other alien species competing over colonies and resources as they explore, exploit, expand, and even exterminate each other. Influences for me include David Weber’s Honor Harrington and Starfire series, along with Scalzi’s Old Man’s War series and many more. If you think you might be interested I’ll post a few links below of where you can find it:



If the forums rules don’t allow me to post about my book in this manner I’ll be happy to remove the links and/or this post in its entirety, but I just thought I’d share this with a gaming community I am active in which I know shares a similar interest in science fiction as I do.

"Female star captain" Yup I can definitely see the Webber inspiration here. Sounds interesting. smiley: biggrin
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9 years ago
Aug 28, 2015, 4:27:19 PM
echo2361 wrote:
Hello All,

I’ve just published my first science fiction novel and I thought I’d post about it here because I’ve been heavily inspired to write it by my years of playing space strategy games like Endless Space. I’ve even written a few fan fiction pieces before for various games that have received praise which further fueled my drive to actually write a full book.

The setting is very much one in which we often find ourselves playing in the game, with humans and other alien species competing over colonies and resources as they explore, exploit, expand, and even exterminate each other. Influences for me include David Weber’s Honor Harrington and Starfire series, along with Scalzi’s Old Man’s War series and many more. If you think you might be interested I’ll post a few links below of where you can find it:



If the forums rules don’t allow me to post about my book in this manner I’ll be happy to remove the links and/or this post in its entirety, but I just thought I’d share this with a gaming community I am active in which I know shares a similar interest in science fiction as I do.

Tell me whenever it is translated in french because it looks really interresting smiley: stickouttongue
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9 years ago
Aug 28, 2015, 1:56:58 PM
Mansen wrote:
Looks interesting - Will see if I can find the time for it some day... Such a long backlog smiley: biggrin

Thanks! Yeah, I've got a pretty big backlog of reading to do now that I'm done writing for a little while. Those interesting looking books just seem to keep piling up smiley: smile
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9 years ago
Aug 28, 2015, 1:23:02 PM
Looks interesting - Will see if I can find the time for it some day... Such a long backlog smiley: biggrin
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