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Thank you devs

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12 years ago
May 2, 2012, 5:56:44 PM
I just can't express how grateful I am.

That game will be a masterpiece.

That music.

And those graphics.

And that music.

And those...
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12 years ago
May 2, 2012, 6:06:08 PM
VieuxChat wrote:
I just can't express how grateful I am.

That game will be a masterpiece.

That music.

And those graphics.

And that music.

And those...

It looks slick as anything. I'm only reading through the tutorial but I already know i'm going to spend years with this.
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12 years ago
May 2, 2012, 6:49:00 PM
I'm happily surprised that the alpha is so damn stable, at least for me. Read through most things, thought: What the hell should I critisize? Maybe the interface here, the technologies there, but basically that thing looks so beta for me, I don't see where that should still be alpha status. XD
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12 years ago
May 2, 2012, 7:36:49 PM
The game is very stable indeed already. no problems alt tabbing or anything for me so far. and it's very beautiful with the little details. Also the holographic effect is amazing in the game on the diplomacy screen. the screenshots don;t do it justice :P.
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12 years ago
May 2, 2012, 7:40:21 PM
Damn, I can't wait to try it out, when my dling is done! xD

Can't wait to see the game with my own eyes smiley: smile
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 1:34:15 PM
I hope this is not the last time we'll have to say thank you to the dev team, but they already owe a big one, as we probably share with them the nostalgy of GalCiv 2 and/or MoO 2 smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 1:40:32 PM
Yes, I agree with VieuxChat. Thank you indeed, but I would like to toss out a thank you for letting us be apart of the team in our own little way by, having us express ourselves by allowing us to vote, and listening to the fourms.
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