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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 7:50:01 AM
Hi there,

Brand new here, to both endless worlds and this forum.

I just wanted to say thank you. I've grown up in the computer revolution and have played all sorts of games out there. Space adventures are my favorite, with 4x games being the pinnacle of that for me. (Though I do want a new Tie Fighter game at some point!)

After having an awful selection of 4X games for many years now (SOTS2, MoO3, etc) , or ones that I wanted to love but just couldn't find a way to (X3) I stumbled across a post on the Sword of the Stars forum that had a mention of this game that slipped through their filters (they prevent people from posting things they don't want to read, or do for some of their forum posters anyways... I haven't even been able to post my biggest issues with their game because they haven't let me).

Frankly, they fucked up terribly, and treat the community like shit unless you bow down and worship their producer. Screw that.

Then, I find a game that has an open alpha, we can pay for now? Awesome. As a producer/designer myself, I applaud you for your openness with the community. I have no idea where you are heading as a company (though I see a lot of posts here saying things I've yet to read that are both reassuring and alarming) but if you continue along this route, I'm sure you'll garner yourselves a great reputation. Reputation is key, get a good one, and people will forgive you almost anything.

Space games these days are becoming more niche, with less massive publishers being interested in them. (With some notable exceptions, but those games are made for the mass market, literally for anyone - Mass Effect series).

The games I grew up playing are becoming rarer, at least to the quality that I desire. I feel that if Amplitude Studios continues to be open, and responsive, then any risks you take will be supported by US, your fans. I wish you well, and can't wait to see the future!


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