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Lighten up Folks, new Horatio Movie in the works!

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12 years ago
Jun 25, 2012, 2:18:53 AM
Clearly the people that worked on the Star Wars and the Potter movies are incompetent amateurs and, dare i say, they ripped off the background story from Horatio!

Nevertheless, the latest leakage off Horatio's movie studio named...Horatio Movie Studio shows us his truly lasting ingeniousness when it comes to movie production! Without further ado, i present you...

Horatio making new Horatios; synopsis

Horatio DDT992 is an orphan living with his uncle and aunt on the remote wilderness of Horatio V.

He is rescued from renegade Horatios by wise, bearded Proto-Horatio 6, who turns out to be a Horatio.

Proto-Horatio 6 reveals to Horatio DDT992 that Horatio DDT992's father was also a Horatio, and was the best Horatio he had ever seen.

Horatio DDT992 is also instructed on how to use the cloning vats as he too trains to become a Horatio.

Horatio DDT992 has many adventures in the galaxy (note: evidence of the ripoff!) and makes new friends such as Horatio 550A and Horatio 45TF-SD.

In the course of these adventures he distinguishes himself as a top Horatio in the battle of Procyon V, making the direct hit (!) that secures the Horatio victory against the forces of the United Empire.

Horatio DDT992 also sees off the threat of Horatio XN22, who we know murdered his predecessors.

In the finale, Horatio DDT992 and his new friends become governors of Procyon V.

All of this will be set to an orchestral score composed by John Williams.


Isn't it splendid??? Can't wait to see the movie! lol
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12 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 10:31:17 PM
Thank you! It's a shame Horatio hasn't released the movie yet because of his inexperience in the production and direction of this form of art! smiley: biggrin I would like to wonder how the sequel to his movie would come out though. Any thoughts? smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Jun 28, 2012, 1:54:20 AM
Esteemed readers! You know you want it! You know you have been searching for it, but still couldn't find it! I know, Horatio is a very secretive man and likes it that way...but folks...his first movie isn't ready yet but even that did not stop him from making a script for a prequel of his soon-to-be box office movie, Horatio making new Horatios! Without further ado, i present you;

Horatio Episode II - Attack of the Horatios; synopsis (Another world wide leak from the Horatio Movie studios mind you!)

Set ten years after the events in "The Horatio Menace". After an assassination attempt on the life of Horatio FFS-231, Proto-Horatio 6 and his Horatio clone friend Horatio DDT882 are sent to investigate.

After tracking down the assassin, she is killed before any information can be driven out of her. The two Horatios are then sent on two different missions, Horatio DDT882 is sent to Horatio III with Horatio FFS-231 and Proto-Horatio 6 is sent to the planet of Cancer IV where he will investigate the assassination attempts.

Little does he know, he is investigating some of the biggest events of the Horatio Clone Wars saga, as he finds out that there is a connection between the assassination attempts and a separatist movement led by a former Horatio against the Horatios. The Horatios finds themselves at the brink of a civil war.

All of this will be set to an orchestral score composed by John Williams (who is, in fact, a Horatio himself lol).
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