Logo Platform
logo amplifiers simplified

Touch Support

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11 years ago
Dec 19, 2013, 8:54:07 AM
Hey, I have a windows 8 tablet, and the game looks fantastic on it. While playing it feels very natural to slide the scene around and tap to select things.

There are only a few things missing to make it perfect I feel. From what I can tell you I've been tapping using also the right click on the trackpad and the ctrl button on the keyboard. It seems though that a few very simple retouches would make this game perfect for just a direct touch screen. Have you been thinking about a touch implementation option?

Thank you for making such an awesome game, I've been waiting for something like this
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11 years ago
Dec 20, 2013, 9:55:39 AM
thank you Lmenchia, it is funny that you say so, we did the same test yesterday. We were rather impressed as well.

it is definitely on our radar, and we always had it in mind when designing the game. We just took some shortcuts lately, not touch friendly, to focus on the PC version.
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11 years ago
Dec 20, 2013, 9:55:54 AM
thank you Lmenchia, it is funny that you say so, we did the same test yesterday. We were rather impressed as well.

it is definitely on our radar, and we always had it in mind when designing the game. We just took some shortcuts lately, not touch friendly, to focus on the PC version.
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