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Wit changes

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11 years ago
Jan 22, 2014, 6:45:34 PM
Can someone explain the Wit changes to me?

The effect of Wit items was reduced. Opbot's Wit was reduced.

Now the return on Wit was terrible as it was. Only Troe and Gork could truly make use of them, the extra Wit pushing them from the +1 to +2 resources gathered. After that, the Wit required to go from +2 to +3 was such, that it could only be reached when getting a Space Suit, as the Wit from devices would not be enough for anyone but Opbot. With a Space Suit and a Grim Faery Tales, a leveled up Opbot would still struggle to get to the +4 (he'd need higher rarity versions of those items). Mind you, to reach that high modifier you had to specialize Opbot completly on Wit equipment wise and actually have the items appear in your playthrough.

To me the "nerf" seems out of the blue. To be honest I felt Wit needed a buff.

But it says [Community] next to the change in the patch notes, so I take it I am missing something everyone else had figured out.

Please enlighten me smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Jan 22, 2014, 8:53:50 PM
hmmm I agree, I felt really lucky to find wit items which meant increased survive-ability for my squad...

On that note, perhaps theyre looking for different ways to vary each play through.

One playthrough might be rich with wit items and science rooms (where you gain +6 -9) science, while another playthrough might be rich with food and tech rooms.

This will for sure change the way we approach the use of resources as we can no longer rely on having those bonuses from high wit heroes.

just my take. Still, it would be nice to see a significant boost in wit. I was surprised to see that Gork had only a 1 or 2 resource bonus difference from a clearly more intelligent and competent robot. haha
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11 years ago
Jan 22, 2014, 9:01:28 PM
Changing play styles from one playthrough to the other does not explain why Wit would be adjusted downward. As Wit was before this patch, getting Wit items, if one actually tested the effect they had, was actually a waste of an item. The average wit item was not enough to raise the average character's wit enough to change the resources they would generate. You never could rely on wits.
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11 years ago
Jan 22, 2014, 9:04:06 PM
Personally I always hated getting the Opbot, who I have been calling repair bot for a few days now oops, because the advantage of having a wit based hero was so minimal. So I'm afraid I can't be much help, I'm just as lost as you are.
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11 years ago
Jan 24, 2014, 1:11:56 PM
Need to play a bit more for more data.

It seems that Wit has in reality gotten a tiny boost. At lvl 2 Opbot now has 11 Wit, but provides +3 resources while operating machinery. In the previous build 11 Wit still only gave +2.
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11 years ago
Jan 24, 2014, 3:39:51 PM
Yep I've noticed the changes to wit as well. I haven't read too much into it though as I usually only use my wit characters for operating stations and they never really see battle.
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11 years ago
Jan 24, 2014, 9:44:59 PM
To be honest I don't think it's that big of a deal. At the end of Floor 2 I had OpBot at +4 at nodes. Got to +5 when I got a BF Injector for him.
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