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Powered sections/new ability/item idea

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11 years ago
Jan 23, 2014, 9:21:59 PM
So as far as I can tell no waves will spawn from powered sections even if there's nothing there. This usually just leaves me exploring one direction in a dungeon and dealing with that as it comes up. After a certain point in time in the later levels I just have a small production facility (2 food 2 industry) and I just open and explore until the end lighting up dead ends to keep attacks coming from one direction.

I'm not really sure if it's intended to work that way but that's what I've found so far that works.

It'd be nice if there was some way to reseal doors. Maybe a once a level skill or if it's attached to an expensive tool maybe once a "turn". Sometimes the procedural generations will just leave you with no real tactical options and it seems like it might help add more strategy. Though it would be bad if it made the game to easy of course.

Anyone else have thoughts on this?
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11 years ago
Jan 23, 2014, 11:38:09 PM
I've been doing the same strategy, but often it backfires. Don't get enough dust, or there aren't many rooms, and you have to defend from behind while moving up from the crystal room. On floor 3-4 this can end you pretty quickly.

Resealing a door is an interesting idea. Maybe a hero would have to spend a full turn or two sealing it while being unable to fight? Research it first, then have to spend dust/industry/both to do it? Doors can only be sealed from the other side?
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11 years ago
Jan 24, 2014, 5:06:20 PM
Well the idea of sealing a door is fun, but it would take the whole concept of "What's Behind Your Door" away.

I would think that maybe 1 Hero opens a door, once going into said room, the door behind him/her gets sealed up during a system lock down. In the sealed room, there maybe a horde of minimal monsters, one large boss like monster, or even a mutated ex-hero. And the only ways to open the sealed door is to either get a another hero with enough Wit to open it up from the outside, the get two heroes to open the sealed door with brute force from the outside, or letting the Hero in the sealed room defeat the beast withing to obtain a Key Card to open the sealed door. And as a reward for this hard struggle, the room can contain a strange item.
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11 years ago
Jan 25, 2014, 2:41:32 AM
If you get the ability to seal doors I think if a wave should happen to spawn inside of it they should be able to break out at random as well. It's only fair right? smiley: biggrin
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11 years ago
Jan 25, 2014, 2:58:24 AM
There have been a few ideas thrown around about constructing temporary barricades or putting up forcefields. What does seem to get people's aggreement is not to permanently seal a door, but to add a barrier that has HP and can be torn down by monsters.
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11 years ago
Jan 25, 2014, 4:46:20 AM
melkathi wrote:
There have been a few ideas thrown around about constructing temporary barricades or putting up forcefields. What does seem to get people's aggreement is not to permanently seal a door, but to add a barrier that has HP and can be torn down by monsters.

Well wouldn't that just be a new module?
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11 years ago
Jan 25, 2014, 6:11:28 AM
melkathi wrote:
There have been a few ideas thrown around about constructing temporary barricades or putting up forcefields. What does seem to get people's aggreement is not to permanently seal a door, but to add a barrier that has HP and can be torn down by monsters.

Seems like the healthiest way of doing it.
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11 years ago
Jan 25, 2014, 8:16:07 AM
DaveyAlcala@live.com wrote:
Well wouldn't that just be a new module?

Pretty much. It would restrict its use to specific room types and possibly prevent it from becomming too powerful a tool.
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11 years ago
Jan 25, 2014, 5:46:16 PM
Hmm, I could see a Force Field module play a great role in the game, not to mention, that once Science is integrated, the Field can be upgraded with Science points.
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11 years ago
Jan 26, 2014, 8:40:10 AM
Had an idea poking around after the new patch... maybe add abilities to items? Especially now that things like repairing/operating major modules requires heroes to have special abilities. Maybe make the toolbelt add the repair ability to a hero that normally doesn't get it? Could also add a new "Operator's manual" that gives the ability to operate major modules, this would require removing that ability from some heroes, but I like the Idea of more specialized heroes, especially on the combat side =D On that note maybe we could get some of the other abilities added to Items as well, like the Heath regen skill now only found on Nurse Deena, maybe that could be added to the first aid kit? Or the Run Away skill to the energy bar? Maybe have these now be consumable for a one time use of these skills... thought?
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11 years ago
Jan 26, 2014, 3:16:18 PM
IUFMarine wrote:
Had an idea poking around after the new patch... maybe add abilities to items? Especially now that things like repairing/operating major modules requires heroes to have special abilities. Maybe make the toolbelt add the repair ability to a hero that normally doesn't get it? Could also add a new "Operator's manual" that gives the ability to operate major modules, this would require removing that ability from some heroes, but I like the Idea of more specialized heroes, especially on the combat side =D On that note maybe we could get some of the other abilities added to Items as well, like the Heath regen skill now only found on Nurse Deena, maybe that could be added to the first aid kit? Or the Run Away skill to the energy bar? Maybe have these now be consumable for a one time use of these skills... thought?

Now that, is a great idea in my opinion, think about it, having consumable items would be a huge bonus to a player's strategy, it would add a whole new level of possibilities. Maybe even rework the Item equipment system to something a bit more complex, maybe adding a Weapon slot, Armor Slot, Accessory Slot, and finally the Consumable Slot.
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11 years ago
Jan 26, 2014, 9:27:59 PM
Exactly my thinking, these consumable items would be real boon in a tight situation and would allow for some flexible strategies, but would really require you to weigh whether you really need to use that regen skill right now, as you never know when you could get another one. Might make some of the issues with the higher levels being overwhelming a bit more manageable if you strategize the usage correctly!
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11 years ago
Jan 27, 2014, 10:35:11 AM
For improving flexibility and choke point management, I'd think of a passive skill that powers up "only" turrets in normally unpowered rooms when a character is present (e.g. Opbot).

The turrets have to be previously built while the room is powered. This way you can create a buffer of 1 room towards those pesky, non-lucrative dead ends of 5+ rooms size and possibly utilize that room with lots of turret slots that'd be so great to use.
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