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Review of 0.1.21

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11 years ago
Feb 9, 2014, 4:32:43 PM

Overall difficulty has significantly dropped by increased Dust, which makes tower(and resource) spamming possible. Reduced wave number also affects difficulty.

Some people are not going to like these changes, but I prefer this version as I can enjoy this game with more... casual feeling. It's still not-to-easy anyway.

For that Spider Woman, well, I can't say anything yet because she died so fast. Too sad.

The last level wasn't hard as I thought(OMG, not a single main module?), mainly because you can stack a lot, really lot of ind on level 4. In my case I brought about 210 ind, 60 foods and 3 fully leveled hero(One died on level 4). With increased Dust drop, spamming with 200 ind made level really easy.

Disappearance of small octahedron also helped with spamming strategy, because they are the only mobs which attack small modules first. For now, they do spawn on level 1-2, but not on 3-5.

I didn't like the new "aggro indicator". That red edge made me confused with selected hero, resulted in many death and destruction. I could manage their health more properly, but that shape should change somehow.

Lastly, I should able to change hero order! Please add this, I want to bind my runner to 1 and tanker to 4!

Bug: I don't think med-kit skill is properly working, is it? Couldn't see a green aura nor increased HP regeneration until I made the healer leave the room and re-enter. Or it was just too weak.
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11 years ago
Feb 9, 2014, 5:02:37 PM
I actually like your idea of changing the order of Heroes, I've had sorta the same problems with it too, and I think being able to change it would help. One thing that I did noticed about the Red Edge glow when a Hero is hurt, is that as soon as went red, I looked at it, making me think that my Hero was in trouble, but well, he had only lost little to barely any health. Now, if the Hero's Picture lit red when his or her Health was lower than 25% then I would be focused when I need to be.
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11 years ago
Feb 10, 2014, 2:39:34 AM
YES, I fully support being able to re-assign player slots. I prefer my runner being 1 also, and sometimes it just doesn't work out that way. What about changing the color of the hero's tooltip depending on their health? Say, yellow if below 75%, orange for below 50%, and red for below 25%? I think that would be more helpful, personally.
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11 years ago
Feb 10, 2014, 4:21:29 AM
I could see that being implemented, one thing I noticed while playing is that when you find the exit, two icons appear, one indicating where the exit is, and the other indicating where the crystal is. Now, these two are good icons, very useful if the distance is too large. But, here is the problem, if you still want to explore around, those icons still show up. It'd be nice if those two icons only showed up once a Hero picks up the Crystal
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11 years ago
Feb 10, 2014, 5:46:16 AM
I think the reordering of heroes is already on the idea list of features to be added if I recall correctly.
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11 years ago
Feb 10, 2014, 8:06:35 AM
Yeah, changing the hero order is something I was thinking about. "Why do I have to press 3 to get my door opener up and running? It would be far more comfortable to set him as one!". It's not a big deal, but I think that feature is needed.

So I finished this version in one go (spent almost two hours on it though I don't know if it count my afk). I can say that it's waaaaaaaay easier than the previous version. Maybe I'm getting better at this game or got a better room setup or maybe the difficulty decrease is noticable. I ended up with like 500+ food and 700+ industry (I always liked hoarding resources). Are levels 4 and 5 too easy? Not really. I think that this is probably THE difficulty we would want on those levels when the full set is implemented (was it 12 levels in total?). But again, I think the number of monsters is staggering. Too many monsters tend to lag the game and I think that limiting the number of monsters per wave would be a good idea. You just need to compensate for it with making the individual mobs a bit tougher. Right now the mobs feel a bit weak if you set up properly and they keep zerg rushing you. And I did miss the crystal turret attacking mobs on lower levels. It made levels 4 and 5 much easier, since the mobs were walking through a few turret filled rooms.

I don't really mind the "aggro indicator", but I would really like to see a "heal to full" option.
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11 years ago
Feb 10, 2014, 9:12:52 AM
Yes, the last level was by far the easiest, assuming that you have 4 fully leveled characters with high powered weapons. There also do need to be higher wave levels, where as the max is 6 and seems to small. Give us a challenge, something that will keep us busy. Otherwise, the game is amazing, and great review BTW.
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11 years ago
Feb 11, 2014, 9:33:48 AM
Thanks for replies.

CharlieWoo wrote:
I think the reordering of heroes is already on the idea list of features to be added if I recall correctly.

Yes, I think devs are already aware of this, but um, I was curious as this hasn't implemented so long.


I missed: would love to have a map-view, or a tactical map mode. At least a zoom-out. When there are a lot of rooms already opened - especially level 3 or 4 - I sometimes have hard time to find new rooms to open. In addition to that, I may use that to quickly manage my heroes' location.

This is one of basic ideas so might be in to-do already, but anyway.
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11 years ago
Feb 11, 2014, 9:58:07 AM
The idea of zooming in will not happen as far as I know, the Devs already said they would implement a Tactical map, so that should suffice. And well, if your problem is Hero managing, well, press the space bar to pause the game, double click a Hero's portrait to see them on screen instantly, and tada. The game has a lot of resources that players don't use.
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11 years ago
Feb 11, 2014, 11:59:46 AM
DaveyAlcala@live.com wrote:
The game has a lot of resources that players don't use.

Mostly because of knowing about their existance would require to read all the patch notes.

I can list some of these features that I think are known by very little people:

Did you know:

That "e" and "r" are the shortcuts for the hero-abilities?

That you can hold "Shift" to build several items of the same type without having to select them from the menu each time?

That F1-F4-shortcuts open up the different building-menus? (but there are no hotkeys to select buildings from there on, so you have to mouseclick them anyways)

That "u" opens up the inventory and the hero-screen at once?

That you can double-tap the keys 1-4 to center a hero?

And while most people here know it: When watching LPs and/or reviews you very often notice that even "Space" is not known.
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11 years ago
Feb 11, 2014, 2:42:58 PM
Ya it´s the pause button that makes the game easy, if you are not using it, you are just making the game harder on you, like everytime I open a room, I try to plan ahead, or if there are waves incoming, I pause the game and reposition my characters and then unpause.
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11 years ago
Feb 11, 2014, 4:47:42 PM
Ail wrote:
Mostly because of knowing about their existance would require to read all the patch notes.

I can list some of these features that I think are known by very little people:

Did you know:

That "e" and "r" are the shortcuts for the hero-abilities?

That you can hold "Shift" to build several items of the same type without having to select them from the menu each time?

That F1-F4-shortcuts open up the different building-menus? (but there are no hotkeys to select buildings from there on, so you have to mouseclick them anyways)

That "u" opens up the inventory and the hero-screen at once?

That you can double-tap the keys 1-4 to center a hero?

And while most people here know it: When watching LPs and/or reviews you very often notice that even "Space" is not known.

This is why I have a hard problem understanding new player's ideas when it comes to the difficulty, because they don't know what the game is made up of
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