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DotE - video playthrough with tips & tricks

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11 years ago
Jan 25, 2014, 2:16:34 PM
Hello everybody! smiley: smile

I recently had a thought that it would be a nice idea to make a video playthrough of DotE in it's current (updated) form. I think that we can all agree that this patch raised the difficulty level by quite a bit so it might be a good idea to share some survival tips. I am not claiming that I'm an amazing pr0 at this game and it's possible that your strategy for beating DotE is superior to mine... but we won't know that until we share our experiences, right? ^_^ Either way, I hope that you will enjoy my videos!

I plan to upload them every 2 days until I lose or beat the alpha. If you're bored waiting for a new episode, feel free to check out some of my other videos, including almost 200 videos of ES played on endless difficulty. This is a link to my channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/truePANCZASU

Here's part number one of my DotE video miniseries:

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11 years ago
Feb 8, 2014, 12:24:12 PM
Thank you for the link! (and the work you put into these)
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11 years ago
Feb 11, 2014, 7:53:23 PM
melkathi wrote:
Thank you for the link! (and the work you put into these)

No problem, I'm happy you're happy! smiley: smile
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