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Question About LAN Module

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11 years ago
Feb 15, 2014, 11:26:59 PM
Local Agression Neutralizer

Just for clarity, does this affect both major and minor modules? Does it affect the entire dungeon, or just the room it's in? Does the effect stack when building multiple?
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11 years ago
Feb 15, 2014, 11:53:27 PM
The main benefit of it (that I've seen at least) is when you get a horrible layout on an earlier level (before your heroes are near maxxed or are still undergeared) which requires you to be defending three different approaches to the crystal at the same time, and you don't have enough dust to fully power one "wing" - in this situation, it helps you to be able to use purely turrets to defend one of the wings, leaving your heroes to cover the other two. Definitely only a very situational use though, in most cases a couple heroes in a chokepoint room will be all you need to defend effectively, without need for turrets beyond that point.
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11 years ago
Feb 16, 2014, 12:54:55 AM
That sounds like a massive investment of engineering. You'd have to be saving the certain destruction of multiple major nodes for it to be remotely worth it, like 3-5+. You're pretty much always better off just sacing 1-2 major nodes and falling back if it comes to that (and I've been in some pretty dire low dust situations and it's never come close to that).
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11 years ago
Feb 16, 2014, 4:52:29 AM
The situation where it is useful is when it is your crystal you are having to protect, rather than nodes smiley: wink If you've got the dust to power 3-5 major nodes, plus turrets outside of them, you can almost always fully power at least one of the 3 wings of the situation above. Where the LAN is worthwhile is when you can drop it into a single major node room right off the crystal, with 6-7 minor node slots between that room and the one room beyond it, to defend the crystal from a single "wing" direction when you've got 3 doors off your crystal room.
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11 years ago
Feb 16, 2014, 10:27:50 AM
Since it has such high cost, I've always assumed its effect was dungeon-wide, but I would love an official statement on this.
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11 years ago
Feb 16, 2014, 2:28:17 PM
If you've got a room right off the crystal with no hero in it most of the creatures will just walk right past it. The LAN only helps in cases where the few creatures that attack minor nodes are successfully breaking them down before the turrets in that area can get to them on their own and you don't have a hero to spare to help out. For most of the creatures it provides no benefit at all if the description is accurate because most of them don't target the things it toughens.
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11 years ago
Feb 17, 2014, 1:30:14 AM
So, it actually turns out that the effect does stack. I built 2 of them on floor 4, and it worked quite well. The crystal golems were taking at least 8 hits to destroy a single major module. For the earlier floors it really isn't that useful.
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