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[Poll 1/3] Item selection for the GAMES2GETHER vote - Weapon

ACHVDragon - Acid Sack
Nosferatiel - Déjà-vu
Adventurer_Blitz - The Vamporizer
DaveyAlcala - Steam Gun
Kreeth - The Pew Pew 3000
Lynx_gnt - Vivisection Probe
Tainted - Totem Pole
IkeTrueblade - Meat Cleaver
PANCZASU - Dead Adventurer
T41 - Litsaber
Vote now
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11 years ago
Feb 13, 2014, 2:38:20 PM
Hi everyone,

Thank you for your participation in the Item Creation Competition. We received 180+ submissions, which was a lot more than what we expected! smiley: smile We therefore had to make a selection for the forums polls, before moving on to the G2G votes. Indeed, we declined several ideas that were simply not respecting our guidelines (stats that were not allowed, description that were too long, and so on) but we also tried to be fair by selecting ideas from several users for the three available categories.

The first poll is: Pick your favourite items: we advise you to make three choices as these three will be featured in the Games2Gether vote. You can make several choices of course but in the end, we will pick the three items that have the most votes!

  • ACHVDragon - Acid Sack - Gun - Once a vital organ of some poor creature's digestive tract. Equally functional at delivering acid to one's face (Warning: May induce uncontrollable vomiting). (DPS +2, Max Health -1)
  • Nosferatiel - Déjà-vu - Gun - Aptly named for the property of shooting two bullets in rapid succession each time you pull the trigger (DPS +2)
  • Adventurer_Blitz - The Vamporizer - Machine Gun - This weapon uses your own blood as bullets to vaporize your enemies (DPS +3, Max Health -2)
  • DaveyAlcala@live.com - Steam Gun - Machine Gun - A large gun powered by steam..Hmm, strange symbol on the side (DPS +2, Move Speed -1)
  • Kreeth - The Pew Pew 3000 - Machine Gun - One pew pew to pew them all. Designed by people who pew for those who want to pew even harder. (DPS: +3, Move speed: +1)
  • Lynx_gnt - Vivisection Probe - Spear - Terrifying devise, which was used by one crazy doctor in his inhuman experiments. Even just holding it makes you losing your sanity (DPS +2, Wit -2)
  • Tainted - Totem Pole - Spear - While intended to educate future generations; the engravings, silhouettes, and length make for an excellent spear (Wit +2, DPS +1)
  • IkeTrueblade - Meat Cleaver - Sword - It once was used in the kitchen to cleave meat, its now used to well... cleave other meat (DPS +2)
  • PANCZASU - Dead Adventurer - Sword - Well, it's better then fighting with your fists… (DPS +1, Wit -1, Speed -1)
  • T41 - Litsaber - Sword - Found on the body of a mysterious robed man, this beautiful weapon slices up nearly all materials with ease (DPS +3, Defence +2)

Check out the two other polls as well:

The votes will end on February 19th at midday - GTM +1.

smiley: amplitude
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11 years ago
Feb 13, 2014, 8:19:41 PM
Some pretty cool ideas in there... but I'm obviously going to vote for my own. No hard feelings ~_^
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11 years ago
Feb 13, 2014, 8:41:27 PM
Some pretty cool ideas in there... but I'm obviously going to vote for my own. No hard feelings ~_^

I knew I should've voted for myself! Doh!
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11 years ago
Feb 13, 2014, 8:52:59 PM
Of course, I voted for myself and two others. If Panczasu only voted for himself, I regret one of the votes I placed, now. smiley: stickouttongue
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11 years ago
Feb 13, 2014, 10:36:15 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
Of course, I voted for myself and two others. If Panczasu only voted for himself, I regret one of the votes I placed, now. smiley: stickouttongue
That's not what I meant :P
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11 years ago
Feb 13, 2014, 11:55:02 PM
I'd be flabbergasted if the lightsaber didn't win so I guess the task before us is to choose the two weapons it will inevitably lose to.
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11 years ago
Feb 14, 2014, 7:35:38 PM
I know I should be advertising my own weapon... but I'm looking at the votes and I cannot believe that the Vamporiser and Vivisection Probe don't have more votes. Shame really, because they are both very creative and fun, especially vamporiser.

So... more votes for vamporiser please? :3

You can also vote for my own weapon! Dead adventurer ftw!
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11 years ago
Feb 14, 2014, 11:38:54 PM
yea the vamporiser is pretty awesome. reminds me of deadman wonderland, using your blood as weapons and such. loved that show
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11 years ago
Feb 15, 2014, 2:28:33 AM
The Steam Gun needs more votes guys, it's an obvious Steam.com reference, you know, the website that let's you play your games? smiley: biggrin
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11 years ago
Feb 19, 2014, 5:36:01 AM
It would be really cool if the artist's sketches / depictions of the popular items where included in the G2G voting. It would give the community a better idea of the look and feel of the item in DotE.
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