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[Poll 2/3] Item selection for the GAMES2GETHER vote - Armour

ACHVDragon - Gentleman's Frock
Adventurer_Blitz - Pile of Rocks
bendingbones - The Kings' Armour
Brazilian_Joe - Trilobyte
Codename_Veers - Sower-Armour
Endless_Despair - Impossible Shorts
IkeTrueblade - Medisuit
Nodjia - Ponderous Lab-Coat
suspense0521 - Powered Armour
Tainted - Nanofiber Jumpsuit
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11 years ago
Feb 13, 2014, 5:08:25 PM
Hi everyone,

Here's the second poll: pick your favourite Armour. We advise you to make three choices as these three will be featured in the Games2Gether vote. You can make several choices of course but in the end, we will pick the three items that have the most votes!

  • ACHVDragon - Gentleman's Frock - The fastest way to distinguish oneself from the savages. Mind you it isn't very good at deflecting sharp points. (Wit +2, Defence -1)
  • Adventurer_Blitz - Pile of Rocks - A pile of rocks held together by ductape. It works well in a pinch but some say just looking at it makes people stupid. (Defence 3, Wit -2, Move speed -3)
  • bendingbones - The Kings' Armour - The previous owner was beheaded by Vikings. Apparently he tried to steal from them. In this situation revenge was indeed sweet. (Max health + 3, Defence +1, Health Regen +2)
  • Brazilian_Joe - Trilobyte - This tame herbivore grew up to withstand meteor showers. Figured it would be good to strap on one's back. (Defence +3, Move Speed -1)
  • Codename_Veers - Sower-Armour - An armour out of an disabled Sower! It still beeps some times and comments your actions. Annoying. (Defence + 4, Move Speed -2)
  • Endless_Despair - Impossible Shorts - OK, Seriously. No one should ever wear these. How the hell does this even classify as clothing? (Move Speed + 2, Defence -2, Wit -1, DPS +1)
  • IkeTrueblade - Medisuit - This suit is constantly healing the wearer's ailments, it even has a cure for the common cold. (Defence +1, Max Health +1, Health Regeneration +1)
  • Nodjia - Ponderous Lab-Coat - This semi-sentient lab-coat continually questions the motivations and decisions of the wearer.... "Why?" (Wit +2, Defence +2, Move Speed -2)
  • suspense0521 - Powered Armour - A Large and imposing charcoal grey suit of metal armor. Indicative to Starship Troopers (The Book) in style. (Defence +3, Move Speed -2)
  • Tainted - Nanofiber Jumpsuit - Heavily utilized in the espionage and package delivery industries for its many pockets and flexible construction. (Move Speed +2, DPS +1)

Check out the two other polls as well:

The votes will end on February 19th at midday - GTM +1.

smiley: amplitude
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11 years ago
Feb 13, 2014, 8:23:54 PM
Shame my Jellies didn't make it ;_; But at least this lets me vote for the Ponderous Lab-Coat without worrying about my own creation. I really love the idea behind this armor <3
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11 years ago
Feb 13, 2014, 9:52:03 PM
i cant believe my idea made it much less its actually being voted for. the reference becomes pretty obscure without knowing what the visual is. anyway good luck guys.
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11 years ago
Feb 14, 2014, 12:03:46 AM
The nanofiber suit should unlock the active skill Crawler IMO. Most of these would be far more interesting if armor actually altered character appearance.
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11 years ago
Feb 21, 2014, 6:53:55 PM
Adventurer_Blitz wrote:
I made mine to be humorous, i can't believe anyone voted for itOo
I did smiley: biggrin

I'm in for humor, always !
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