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Opinion: Litsaber, really?

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11 years ago
Feb 25, 2014, 11:29:34 PM
I made it just to have fun and because I thought it'd be cool to have a lightsaberish weapon. I didn't really think it would go all the way to initial voting, much less G2G, but I can see where you guys are coming from.
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11 years ago
Mar 6, 2014, 1:53:19 AM
fepriest wrote:
I prefer the mythos of my fictional worlds to diverge. They can certainly allude to each other--they can't help but to do so, considering the way the creative process works--but after a certain point, it becomes gimmicky to create references to other pieces of media for the sake of referencing that other media. How does that help create the fictional space we're occupying, if we're constantly being bombarded by other references from other fictional spaces?

This hits my exact thought on the head. Yes, allusions can be fun and interesting; but if all the game is consists of a hobbled together group of references from other sci-fi works, where is this game's identity?

T41 wrote:
I made it just to have fun and because I thought it'd be cool to have a lightsaberish weapon. I didn't really think it would go all the way to initial voting, much less G2G, but I can see where you guys are coming from.

Oh don't get me wrong, man; I'm not saying you're just some Star Wars fanatic who insists on having their own fiction's universe in the game. It's just, I honestly feel that none of the other items stood a chance simply because of the scope of that universe. There are far more Star Wars fans out there than most other fictional universes, so of course it's to be expected that it gets the most votes. But thank you for clarifying your position, I find that quite noble of you. +Rep

Ultimately my two biggest concerns are that it's not fair to the other entries, and it's so obvious it's not even enjoyable. Those are my thoughts.
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11 years ago
Feb 27, 2014, 10:02:19 AM
The idea of including an item called Litsaber in DotE doesn't bother me at all. This is pure fan service, yes. But DotE seams to be a game with lots of fun and easter eggs smiley: wink

I agree with most of the comments about the description, perhaps it needs to be more subtle, not so obvious... but maybe it depends on where the references are from ?

I mean the Star Wars universe talks to anyone, it's kinda obvious itself smiley: biggrin
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11 years ago
Feb 26, 2014, 10:59:46 PM
melkathi wrote:
Nah don't worry. Very few people use forums compared to how many people play the game smiley: smile

And besides, you'll be doubly famous! Item in the game and forum controversist smiley: smile

lol I guess you're right. That should be a title 'forum controversist' smiley: stickouttongue
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11 years ago
Feb 26, 2014, 12:21:25 PM
Nah don't worry. Very few people use forums compared to how many people play the game smiley: smile

And besides, you'll be doubly famous! Item in the game and forum controversist smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Feb 26, 2014, 2:56:01 AM
Hopefully it will all blow over once it's done. Although every time people see it they might think of this controversy Oo
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11 years ago
Feb 26, 2014, 1:05:59 AM
T41 wrote:
I made it just to have fun and because I thought it'd be cool to have a lightsaberish weapon. I didn't really think it would go all the way to initial voting, much less G2G, but I can see where you guys are coming from.

I know the feeling. I only posted the Blue and Red Pills for a laugh and one of them got into the vote smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Feb 26, 2014, 12:01:48 AM
Imho, I really don't have a problem with references to other sci-fi universes. But my question is: Do they have to be so obvious?

Being a big fan of both the matrix and starwars, I was kinda happy to see these references. But at some point references become so obvious they become less easter egg-ish and look more and more like a throwback. I always thought the point of an easter egg was to hide it so someone could look for and find it? Not place it on display...

So tbh, for me, it really comes down to whether or not these items are being treated as rough concepts or final products. If Amp takes them refines and polishes them to be more subtle, I think these references could add quite a bit to the game. And all Amp asked of the community was for more general concepts, so I see no problem with anyone suggesting such references smiley: wink
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11 years ago
Feb 25, 2014, 11:56:01 PM
fepriest wrote:
But why? What does that sort of intertextual referencing do for you as a player? (Neither of those questions are rhetorical, nor are they meant to be read as a challenge--I'm legitimately interested to understand why referencing other materials would be interesting/valuable to you.)

I prefer the mythos of my fictional worlds to diverge. They can certainly allude to each other--they can't help but to do so, considering the way the creative process works--but after a certain point, it becomes gimmicky to create references to other pieces of media for the sake of referencing that other media. How does that help create the fictional space we're occupying, if we're constantly being bombarded by other references from other fictional spaces?

It makes me have a moment of wonder, why is that Easter egg even here? What is it representing? Does it fit in? And in a game with a nice comic sense like DoTE fills me with a feeling of small accomplishment for figuring it out.
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11 years ago
Feb 24, 2014, 6:43:58 AM
We all know what it's referencing, and honestly I feel it's a bit too cliched to have it. Just because it's a throw-back to Star Wars everybody votes for it? Rubbish.
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11 years ago
Feb 25, 2014, 10:48:43 PM
How does that help create the fictional space we're occupying, if we're constantly being bombarded by other references from other fictional spaces?

It depends on the way the references are used. The "problem" with the DotE refences is they are easter eggs.

But I personnaly don't think it's a big problem. I don't think immersion or storyline is the main goal of Dungeon of the Endless. Just like Endless Space, it's a game based on gameplay first. Besides, the universe is not serious. It's more a comedy universe. So references don't really hurt the game, but are a good way to add some fun in the not-important things of the game (such as the descriptions of items).
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11 years ago
Feb 25, 2014, 7:32:52 PM
Since it isn't a rethorical question. My personal preference:

I enjoy a few references and easter eggs here and there. The Secret World did that quite well actually. I do not like a reference overload. I also don't like too much "silly". Dungeon of the Endless has quite a bit of both. Personally I see that critically, when thinking about how DotE is supposed to tie in with ES and EL lore.
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11 years ago
Feb 25, 2014, 6:20:27 PM
DaveyAlcala@live.com wrote:
This game has some references already though, Sara Numas is probably one of the most obvious ones. Personally, I voted for my own weapon, the Steam Gun, but that is also a reference to Steam.com. I honestly would like to see more references to other games and universes. Maybe some Fallout, Star Fox, Planet of The Apes, and other memorable Sci-fi movies.

But why? What does that sort of intertextual referencing do for you as a player? (Neither of those questions are rhetorical, nor are they meant to be read as a challenge--I'm legitimately interested to understand why referencing other materials would be interesting/valuable to you.)

I prefer the mythos of my fictional worlds to diverge. They can certainly allude to each other--they can't help but to do so, considering the way the creative process works--but after a certain point, it becomes gimmicky to create references to other pieces of media for the sake of referencing that other media. How does that help create the fictional space we're occupying, if we're constantly being bombarded by other references from other fictional spaces?
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11 years ago
Feb 25, 2014, 6:14:50 PM

I find it interesting, however, that while Litsaber is on top, the Blue Pill is not. I guess we have more Star Wars fans then Matrix fans on our forums smiley: ohh

Nah, just proves that the machine overlords have a tight grip on the community and command them what to vote :P

Honestly though, I like G2G when it is about meaningful stuff like what the community feels is more important in development. Like that vote a while ago.

When it is about little things like modules or items... eh, who cares.

Especially with items.

Though at the same time, I don't always find the votes reasonable. You have the community give you tons and tons of item ideas? You think 1, 2 or 20 of them are good? Then slowly add the ones you like. It is not as if with items balance was all that important: some are good some are less so. All they need is the icon. One tiny art resource.

With heroes I understand the work time that more would require: more animation, more balancing, more unique skills, more balancing for the unique skills... a lot of work can go into a hero.

But item? *shrug*
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11 years ago
Feb 25, 2014, 5:11:57 PM
leracos wrote:
We all know what it's referencing, and honestly I feel it's a bit too cliched to have it. Just because it's a throw-back to Star Wars everybody votes for it? Rubbish.

This is how things go sometimes ^_^

Honestly though, while I am a bit salty (second time my idea loses to a "popular reference"), I also think it really is quite ok for things like Litsaber to be winning the G2G. I mean, they are winning because the majority of players votes for them so while I may not necessarily always like the community's choices, I still value them a lot because this system is extremely fair. Some days things don't go "as planned" and some days we convince the devs to implement something cool while they'd rather go for something else; and that's great! Erm... no offense, Amplitude smiley: sweat

I find it interesting, however, that while Litsaber is on top, the Blue Pill is not. I guess we have more Star Wars fans then Matrix fans on our forums smiley: ohh
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11 years ago
Feb 25, 2014, 2:55:37 PM
fepriest wrote:
Social currency at its finest. I don't like the references from other fictional universes encroaching into this game, but its also interesting to consider what it says about a public imagination.

This game has some references already though, Sara Numas is probably one of the most obvious ones. Personally, I voted for my own weapon, the Steam Gun, but that is also a reference to Steam.com. I honestly would like to see more references to other games and universes. Maybe some Fallout, Star Fox, Planet of The Apes, and other memorable Sci-fi movies.
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11 years ago
Feb 24, 2014, 12:32:37 PM
Social currency at its finest. I don't like the references from other fictional universes encroaching into this game, but its also interesting to consider what it says about a public imagination.
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11 years ago
Feb 24, 2014, 9:25:09 AM
Beeing the person who's Blue Pill made it into the vote, I will refrain to comment. Besides, a fellow fan did put some thought into it and I respect that. It may not be to everyone's taste, but apparently it is to a significant group of votes.


But it is not what I voted for in the thread or in the vote smiley: wink
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