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0.2.1 / 0.3.5

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11 years ago
Mar 6, 2014, 4:23:12 PM
Hi there,

Started to play a few days ago, and it's time to post my first impressions about this game

First point, i've been plagued by many crashes during my play, and i will post (with the corresponding files) in the support section accordingly (but not now since i'm not using my gaming computer). To be short : crashes to desktop after level completion, especially (I think) when new environment tiles were loaded. It can alternatively be related to sound problems, as I suffered sound problems after these crashes, and had to restart the computer at each instance.

Back to the point : I tried to learn the game and progress through the dungeon using the 0.2.1 version.

The game hit my expectations as a Roguelike, as I felt the same pleasure to play I had (and still have) with NetHack, only more fast paced, and graphically fun. The learning curve is quite steep, but manageable. I didn't reach the special level (5 ?) for many of my best games were cancelled by crashes. Too bad.

0.3.5 version is harder on level 3+, with many really big waves of creatures. I'm not sure about the difficulty increase, as I may have found it more discouraging without my experience on the (easier in my opinion) 0.2.1 version. Actually it's quite challenging (I play on the "FACILE" - french version - difficulty).

By the way, i'm confused by people speaking about "NORMAL" difficulty on this forum, as I see only 2 options : "TROP FACILE (tr : TOO EASY)" or "FACILE (tr : EASY)" at start. Localisation difference ? Well, If easy is as now, I cringe when thinking about higher levels ...

The new heros, and apparatus introduced in the new release add to the diversity and from my point of view are a nice improvement... Especially when you know that these (cryo-capsule, dust factory) can be destroyed (using the dozer icon) when located too near from your starting location. I saw that on a french topic - thx Mysterarts - and i'm not sure the same info has been given to the english readers ;-)

I would be interested in a way (like available in some roguelike games) to peer back at the flash messages displayed during play. That same option could also be used to flavour the game as suggested in another topic (can't remember where) with messages like "Scroig enters a rotting-carcass smelling room. Yum!". or describe the level change event. In the same way, that could be used to introduce boss levels...

These were my two cents, back to play. Yay !
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11 years ago
Mar 6, 2014, 5:50:48 PM
Thanks for the bulldozer tips. And here is an expert tip. Utilize operate whenever you can to maximize those precious resources. Looking forward to more feedback
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