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Exit room mechanic?

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11 years ago
Feb 28, 2014, 2:16:38 PM
The current mechanic for exiting a floor and proceeding to the next floor is a little weird. Basically, you just have you fastest character grab the crystal and make a beeline to the exit room while everyone else kinda distracts the waves of enemies. As soon as the crystal runner enters the exit room, the event is over, even though there are still enemies wailing on your heroes, and then you're suddenly in a new floor. Escorting the crystal is, without a doubt, the easiest part of any of the floors, and the player is almost always (if not always) guaranteed to succeed. Also, the transitions between floors is just really strange as it stands. There's nothing to explain how they ended up in the next floor.

I propose that this event be slightly altered. Make the exit room an elevator or teleporter of some sort that needs to be powered by the crystal, and force the player to have all their heroes in the room, or have the player interact with the crystal once it's placed in the room to transport the heroes currently in the room to the next floor. This would create a more immersive experience and make the event a little more difficult since players would need to take their slower characters into consideration as well.

Keep up the good work! Still waiting to hear how I can upgrade to Founder's!
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11 years ago
Feb 28, 2014, 3:21:07 PM
You just talk of your situation when you genralize with player is sure to succeed ... I already fail while carrying crystal to other floor due to lake of dust (and bad stock of food that I can't get enough bye the config of the floor ...) to make the transporter survive.

By the way, you have to remind that if the stranporter die during carrying, it's game over so all the seconds are very precious when you start the carrying. Then I'm not sure asking to do multiple interaction when the crystal arrive at the goal is needed.

If I don't misunderstand, the transition between floor is already done by elevator/transporter, it's just not enough obvious maybe ? You put the crystal in a socket and hope it activate the things that start the next level.

The idea of grouping all your team at the goal could be explained by role-play, but in this case there are two questions you have to think about :

_ Why merchants and hero you can't recruit cause you don't have enough food or merchant don't follow ? They can't survive in the floor alone ... (especially lv 3 and more ...)

_ Why do you can not think that your member have a necklace or whatever artifact that allow to be teleported when the core machine is alimented by the crystal ?
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11 years ago
Feb 28, 2014, 5:31:29 PM
Pallanza wrote:
You just talk of your situation when you genralize with player is sure to succeed ... I already fail while carrying crystal to other floor due to lake of dust (and bad stock of food that I can't get enough bye the config of the floor ...) to make the transporter survive.

By the way, you have to remind that if the stranporter die during carrying, it's game over so all the seconds are very precious when you start the carrying. Then I'm not sure asking to do multiple interaction when the crystal arrive at the goal is needed.

If I don't misunderstand, the transition between floor is already done by elevator/transporter, it's just not enough obvious maybe ? You put the crystal in a socket and hope it activate the things that start the next level.

The idea of grouping all your team at the goal could be explained by role-play, but in this case there are two questions you have to think about :

_ Why merchants and hero you can't recruit cause you don't have enough food or merchant don't follow ? They can't survive in the floor alone ... (especially lv 3 and more ...)

_ Why do you can not think that your member have a necklace or whatever artifact that allow to be teleported when the core machine is alimented by the crystal ?

I suppose I did generalize a bit. For me, the easiest part of the floor is carrying the crystal to the exit. I usually have one very fast hero, and I can normally power any of the rooms that might be problematic and then position my heroes accordingly, one of which will usually have some sort of aggro pull. I'm also very conservative with Dust and don't normally have enemies hitting the crystal (unless I'm already about to lose), but this may not be the case for all players. I guess this element doesn't necessarily need to be more difficult, but I do think that it doesn't make sense for heroes, regardless of where they are on the floor, to be suddenly teleported to the next floor.
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11 years ago
Mar 2, 2014, 9:46:29 PM
It would nice to see some sort of actual event that takes you to the next floor instead of simply disappearing and appearing. Maybe once the crystal is inserted, the room seals and you have to clear it out before the elevator starts....
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11 years ago
Mar 6, 2014, 6:24:18 AM
ZumboPrime wrote:
It would nice to see some sort of actual event that takes you to the next floor instead of simply disappearing and appearing. Maybe once the crystal is inserted, the room seals and you have to clear it out before the elevator starts....

I would like to see some sort of opening scene, sorta like the intro, but something shorter and enjoyable to see. Maybe something dynamic that changes depending on which Heroes are in your party.
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11 years ago
Mar 6, 2014, 5:37:57 PM
Yea maybe they can add a floor change event that causes you to lose 1 hero who will be randomly placed in the dungeon and you have to find him again for him to rejoin the team. Or maybe a freeze period so that some heros are temporarily frozen for a few turns/ door opens. This would make the first few doors opens more challenging when first starting a new floor.
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11 years ago
Mar 11, 2014, 4:37:41 PM
haha i would like to see a crazy/hardcore/whatever mode beside the other once (too easy and easy) where are all the mean ideas from the community are put in to smiley: biggrin
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11 years ago
Mar 11, 2014, 5:19:54 PM
Pallanza wrote:
You just talk of your situation when you genralize with player is sure to succeed ... I already fail while carrying crystal to other floor due to lake of dust (and bad stock of food that I can't get enough bye the config of the floor ...) to make the transporter survive.

By the way, you have to remind that if the stranporter die during carrying, it's game over so all the seconds are very precious when you start the carrying. Then I'm not sure asking to do multiple interaction when the crystal arrive at the goal is needed.

Don't tell me. I lost a game once where I lost the carrying hero in the VERY entrance of the final room! smiley: biggrin
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