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TheRaffy's Feedback

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11 years ago
Mar 18, 2014, 6:28:43 PM

first of all I like your DotE a lot. It's kinda my favorite game of 2014 smiley: smile with potential of more^^. I damn enjoy the pixel-art. great great job!!

The difficulty was okey for me. 0.3.6 easy is possible, but quite a hard achievement.

I am aware of the early stage of the game.

- I noticed that i had problems to get the game-play function (Machinist) it says you can operate at big modules. But I struggled to understand for what this is good for. I recommend you to mention the incrementation of the earnings. while opening a door. Maybe a color highlighting of the changed values could also fit in. I also miss a similar explaining of what does a machinist with the non-resources-module. Will it increase too`? and how much, or not at all? Do I need a machinist to get the non-resources-modules working? smiley: wink

- Sometimes, mostly in stress situations, I miss click the heal button and accidentally open the char-inventory. This will hide the heal button and then I am ♥♥♥♥ed up smiley: smile Its the best way to loose a char. I recommend you to think about this ergonomically smiley: smile

-I like DV8 and Skroig the most.

DV8 is the perfect machinist and Skroig a fast and beautifully killing machine smiley: smile

But somehow I dislike Hikensha. I thought a while about this, to figure it out what bothers me at her. Shes not a machinist and has this abilities to fight in the dark rooms, but I experienced that she is unable to survive there. I have lost her to much compared to the other characters. Somehow I think shes just unusable and i stopped to recruit her.

I suggest to change something at her. Maybe she needs a passive skill to power small modules in the dark. (Maybe only the supporting modules.) But i am not sure about this.

- The scarf of skroig when moving north is shown wrong. It suddenly flips upwards, but has to be looking downward.

Compare it to the back of the char. The back of the char isn't flipping upwards when moving north, so why should the scarf?

Thanks for your time. smiley: smile

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11 years ago
Mar 18, 2014, 10:35:42 PM
TheRaffy wrote:

first of all I like your DotE a lot. It's kinda my favorite game of 2014 smiley: smile with potential of more^^. I damn enjoy the pixel-art. great great job!!

The difficulty was okey for me. 0.3.6 easy is possible, but quite a hard achievement.

I am aware of the early stage of the game.

Welcome smiley: biggrin

TheRaffy wrote:

- I noticed that i had problems to get the game-play function (Machinist) it says you can operate at big modules. But I struggled to understand for what this is good for. I recommend you to mention the incrementation of the earnings. while opening a door. Maybe a color highlighting of the changed values could also fit in. I also miss a similar explaining of what does a machinist with the non-resources-module. Will it increase too`? and how much, or not at all? Do I need a machinist to get the non-resources-modules working? smiley: wink

Much of the game is not documented. The skill you are talking about, Operate, uses Wit, another stat, to improve function of a major module. Easiest to understand is the Food/Industry/Science Modules since they use such granular numbers. For every 4 points of Wit + 3, you get +1 more to the bonus for the major module.

1-3 points = +1

4-7 points = +2

8-11 points = +3


TheRaffy wrote:

- Sometimes, mostly in stress situations, I miss click the heal button and accidentally open the char-inventory. This will hide the heal button and then I am ♥♥♥♥ed up smiley: smile Its the best way to loose a char. I recommend you to think about this ergonomically smiley: smile

Then I recommend pausing the game using the spacebar when it's stressful. I did not learn about this either till I had beaten it several times. Also the heal button isn't very useful in it's current state (only healing 72 hp per hero at the moment)

TheRaffy wrote:

-I like DV8 and Skroig the most.

DV8 is the perfect machinist and Skroig a fast and beautifully killing machine smiley: smile

But somehow I dislike Hikensha. I thought a while about this, to figure it out what bothers me at her. Shes not a machinist and has this abilities to fight in the dark rooms, but I experienced that she is unable to survive there. I have lost her to much compared to the other characters. Somehow I think shes just unusable and i stopped to recruit her.

I suggest to change something at her. Maybe she needs a passive skill to power small modules in the dark. (Maybe only the supporting modules.) But i am not sure about this.

I like Spiderwo... I mean Golgy myself. Opbot is great for operating machines, but he's got no damage or staying power. Put him on a HUD major during combat to boost everyone else instead.

TheRaffy wrote:

- The scarf of skroig when moving north is shown wrong. It suddenly flips upwards, but has to be looking downward.

Compare it to the back of the char. The back of the char isn't flipping upwards when moving north, so why should the scarf?

Thanks for your time. smiley: smile


I have not noticed that about the scarf.
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