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Did they remove health regen after fights?

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10 years ago
Mar 30, 2014, 7:43:08 PM
So i was playing today and i noticed my heroes were not going to full hp after fights had been finished. Is this intentional or a bug?
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10 years ago
Mar 30, 2014, 7:54:17 PM
Not as such.

however it happens quite often that monsters take quite some time to get to your choakpoints, maybe they get stuck. try running through all rooms.
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10 years ago
Mar 31, 2014, 12:29:24 AM
I actually had this happen earlier. I opened the FIRST door on level 5, had a mob.. Killed said mob... None of my characters healed. Obviously there were only 2 rooms, the one I started in and the one I opened. The rest of that level, I had to micro manage my health, farming food for heals and using healing crystals in certain rooms. I also had to buy a regen item that I would pass around the team if necessary. I will say, it took the game to a whole new level. Now that I know it was a glitch, I must say I don't know if I would be upset if certain levels didn't auto heal. I also noticed I was unable to save during the entire level, with an error stating I must finish the event I was on. So I just played smart and slow and finished it, saved at beginning of next level.
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10 years ago
Mar 31, 2014, 9:07:39 AM
The4gotNdeath wrote:
So i was playing today and i noticed my heroes were not going to full hp after fights had been finished. Is this intentional or a bug?

Did you tried to use the glitch of the dust factory?
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