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Not Enough Variety?

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11 years ago
Mar 30, 2014, 3:22:31 AM

So I wanted to preface this with a quick note - I'm still relatively new to this game. I haven't finished the game on "easy" but I've beaten it on "too easy" a few times now, and have racked about 35 hours total.

That said, I feel like there's a limited number of builds / combinations of things that work in this game - especially on "easy".

I think it would be nice if there were more build options, by way of modules. Here's my reasoning:

Prior to the last patch it was known that claymores were pretty OP. But even since then , I find myself using a few (3) different builds depending on what I happen to get access to early game and can reasonably start to build up with.

Also, it seems like those heroes with repair and or operate are probably more valuable than those without for most of my builds unless I'm going mostly food / healing / health strat.

I guess what I'm trying to say is I'd like to see more variety in general. It could be that balancing is still a ways off, and that is forcing some strats to be stronger than others - and for some players I'm not sure if that could necessarily be avoided. But what would be really nice is if there were more choices, or more tactics one could employ.

I'm just worried that if this game is still going to end up being 12 floors total, it's going to need far more by way of modules in order to promote more exploration and variety in gameplay. Maybe some floors it's better to use one strategy for, but not another. I'm worried that this game will just end up being something like: find strong build, level same towers / modules to max, win. I think there's more that could be explored here.

Hope this makes sense - I'm sure some may disagree but I just wanted to share my opinion of the game as is.
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10 years ago
Mar 30, 2014, 2:03:01 PM
The game is still in Alpha, so there will be more modules, generators, heroes, hostiles, levels, items, NPCs and much more.
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10 years ago
Mar 30, 2014, 4:28:39 PM
One of the issue, I think, are the too similar modules. There is already some of them, but between laser and tesla, there is no major change of gameplay. I don't think it's interesting to have so much modules which pretty do the same thing. Claymore is different now, but it's still the same problem. It's just a damage module. So now it's more powerfull than the two others, there is no point to use these ones once claymore are available. So, yes, the price is not the same, but it's not enough. I think modules should be more unique. Three damage module and their upgrades are way too much for me, except if each one have his own gameplay or some malus, so the player would not always using the same things in the same ways. Or more interactivity between modules and skills or other elements to change the player's habits.

Heroes boost modules are better to me. I mean, a minor module which increase the strenght of characters in the room is just a masked damage module, like laser, tesla and claymore. But you don't just take your calculator and pick up the most profitable, because you need to have characters in the room to use the module. Though between a defense module and an attack module, again, I'm not sure there is so much difference (if you want to take less damage, kill the monsters faster will do pretty much the same). Same problem with the gaz module...
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10 years ago
Mar 31, 2014, 2:17:35 PM
Laser modules cost less, do minimal damage, and fire in somewhat fast speed. Tesla modules cost more, do medium damage, and fire faster. Claymore modules cost much more, fire slowly, but they have a higher damage count and a large radius of damage.

I will agree the the laser and tesla modules are a bit too similar, I would like to see the tesla modules shocking enemies and paralyzing them, or maybe passing the damage to other hostiles.

But I am pretty sure the devs will work on this kind of ideals once they have the time, like I said before this is just Alpha, right now they are working on making the game Multiplayer, so probably after that they will work on patches and more additions.
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10 years ago
Mar 31, 2014, 11:04:33 PM
DaveyAlcala@live.com wrote:
Laser modules cost less, do minimal damage, and fire in somewhat fast speed. Tesla modules cost more, do medium damage, and fire faster. Claymore modules cost much more, fire slowly, but they have a higher damage count and a large radius of damage.

I will agree the the laser and tesla modules are a bit too similar, I would like to see the tesla modules shocking enemies and paralyzing them, or maybe passing the damage to other hostiles.

But I am pretty sure the devs will work on this kind of ideals once they have the time, like I said before this is just Alpha, right now they are working on making the game Multiplayer, so probably after that they will work on patches and more additions.

As far as differentiating between Tesla and Prisoner Prods, Tesla do high amounts of damage currently, more than even mortars. Mortars just hit more targets. Teslas are fine as they are. However prisoner prods are supposed to be like a human version of a cattle prod. Not designed to hurt as much as incapacitate a person. I would support giving them the ability to debuff a target with a certain %. E.g. give them a chance to stun (10%), reduce damage (35%), or slow (45%) a target for 3 seconds. Make it one roll, with a 10% chance of no added effect. This along with their minor, laughable damage would make them different and useful in my books.

If you want to balance it out, make the amount of reduced damage, or slow, equal to the similar defensive minor module of Mark -1. At Mark 1, there would be only a 10% chance of stun, and nothing else.
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10 years ago
Apr 1, 2014, 2:25:16 AM
I'm looking forward to things like force fields, 1-shot modules, weapons that can be set to "charge" for x rounds and used in a bind, domesticated "native" creature nests that can be used as defenses in rooms by spawning counter-mobs(but built with food).
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10 years ago
Apr 19, 2014, 10:47:22 AM
DaveyAlcala@live.com wrote:
Laser modules cost less, do minimal damage, and fire in somewhat fast speed. Tesla modules cost more, do medium damage, and fire faster. Claymore modules cost much more, fire slowly, but they have a higher damage count and a large radius of damage.

I will agree the the laser and tesla modules are a bit too similar, I would like to see the tesla modules shocking enemies and paralyzing them, or maybe passing the damage to other hostiles.

But I am pretty sure the devs will work on this kind of ideals once they have the time, like I said before this is just Alpha, right now they are working on making the game Multiplayer, so probably after that they will work on patches and more additions.

i dont think so laser pod attack 1 enemy at a time and tesla attack all in 1 room but i agree that it should have more wariti but its still alpha

in lvl 5-6 i only use tesla lvl4 its real powerful but a hero have to block the way of the mob overwiese they go thru easaly but with less health so even without hero blocking, a path of rooms with tesla do the job but i think this will change until full game

i hope too what it wont be so that u have 1 very powerful tower and thats it u win taktik wins not power
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