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Heroes selection options and behaviour.

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10 years ago
Apr 27, 2014, 2:35:24 PM
It may be a bit silly but so far I only see option of selecting all heroes (`) or one hero. Is there a way to select 1,3 and 4th without 2nd one for example?

Another thing I would love to see in order to improve gameplay is to "assign" heroes saved positions so after I am done dealing with whatever crisis that forced my hero away from food module I can get him back there with one button (especially if I have moved more than one hero away from their default task).

Also I'd like to have (down the line in version 0.9ish) option to set hero behaviors like "run like little girl", "stand your ground", "exterminate anything that moves".

Additionally if there is another hero in a room and those pesky giants are about to destroy my module I'd like my "engineer" to stop shooting at the monstrosity and start repairing the damn thing. Before it blows up.
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10 years ago
Apr 27, 2014, 8:36:39 PM
ArtoriasX wrote:
you mean like in FTL? That would actually be really helpful.

Yes, this is one of the possible ways to implement it, but I would like to be able to do that with specific heroes and not all of them. Because I usually have one "explorer" and if by default that option would assign him to random room he happens to be in when I do that for others then it can get annoying pretty quickly.
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10 years ago
Apr 28, 2014, 5:02:49 PM
Wredniak2003 wrote:
It may be a bit silly but so far I only see option of selecting all heroes (`) or one hero. Is there a way to select 1,3 and 4th without 2nd one for example?

what u mean you can select the 2th hero and the 6th or 1st and 7th the 2 you want you dont have to select the 1st and the 2nd you can take the 5th insted
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10 years ago
Apr 28, 2014, 5:30:47 PM
hanzde wrote:
what u mean you can select the 2th hero and the 6th or 1st and 7th the 2 you want you dont have to select the 1st and the 2nd you can take the 5th insted

I don't mean choosing them before entering dungeon. I mean in the dungeon I'd want to send 2 heroes as a group somewhere without selecting 3rd or 4th one. Now you can either order them one by one or select them all and command all of them at once.
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10 years ago
Apr 28, 2014, 5:34:41 PM
ah ok i miss this too that you just draw a box with the mouse over the heros you want but sadly rightnow pressing and holding left mouse scrolls smiley: frown
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10 years ago
May 2, 2014, 12:00:40 AM
I actually have been wanting a way to individually select groups of heroes as well. I kept trying different button combos, but nothing works. It's a small thing, but I also found it frustrating.

I liked all of your suggestions. The only one I might hold off on is the last one. I just sort of assumed party members didn't do repairs because it made the game more difficult.

I really like the hero behaviors suggestion though!
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10 years ago
May 2, 2014, 5:10:20 PM
TheWanderer wrote:
I actually have been wanting a way to individually select groups of heroes as well. I kept trying different button combos, but nothing works. It's a small thing, but I also found it frustrating.

I liked all of your suggestions. The only one I might hold off on is the last one. I just sort of assumed party members didn't do repairs because it made the game more difficult.

I really like the hero behaviors suggestion though!

TBH game becoming to easy is not anything I'm worried about smiley: wink As it is now I'd say it's the other way around. That said I think if any sane person would be in a positions that they know they very survival depends on this piece of equipment working they would drop whatever they are doing and try to save it especially if something else in the room was trying to kill the big bad thing (automated defense, fellow hero). It is natural "law" of self preservation. Of course if something would try to rip my throat out I'd reevaluate my priorities and let that machine be damned.

That is why I think we should have the option of choosing if we want to have machine repaired or baddie killed. Of course some big idiot launching big balls of "something" on hero and machine they try to repair would be pretty distracting so they would need high wit and even then it would not be as effective as if none was around (maybe even 1/4 if not 1/2).
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