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Thoughts after beating the 0.5.2 in easy

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10 years ago
May 8, 2014, 6:49:31 PM
Hey there,

First of all, this was quite great 12 hours of gaming ! Good job Amplitude, the alpha was very stable and the only bug I can report is that I lost my unequiped inventory between floors. And maybe on last level escapes, there were maybe too many spawn, movements and actions became delayed.

Here are some unordered thoughts. Be aware, I have not read what is being developped.

  • In a FTL way, there should be a way to save two or three saved positions. The last three or four floors were really grindy in positionning my team...
  • I should try but... I can't see any use of the mob-slowing module. The escaping phase turn off rooms between the moving crystal and the team, thus I think the module would not work. During the search of the elevator room, I predict that an empty room with only the module would be destroyed before being usefull. BUT I should try it.
  • I "bootlenecked" every levels, having to keep safe only one room with full team and defending module (sometimes two or three rooms, but I always ended with only one room to defend). Thus, industry ends up being quite useless. My team was lvl max on the 6th floor (if I remember well)...
  • Therefore, the last three or four floors were only about having 1 module of each, in order to maintain health, the defending room, some science,... and open, defend, open, defend, open defend... I had no more economic challenge, neither much micromanagement.
  • Bottlenecking the mob paths makes no interest in LAN module.
  • Lighting the way to the exit makes the escape way too easy on last levels. The last floor are big enough to be full of energy (120+) !!
  • Hero-upgrading and mob-degrading modules seems mandatory for the last levels. Upgrading turrets feel too slow and random (you have to find the artifact, in a defended room, and wait for the wanted upgraded...). My heroes ended with like 150 DPS, I don't feel like having minigun or claymore upgraded would be as efficient (moreover I don't think you can force heroes to repair instead of attacking). I'm pretty sure the game designer has an easy way to compare the turrets and the heroes' progressions.
  • Maybe with a bunch of heroes and abilities, there could be a way to make the game interesting with a industry focus play style. I should try it with the current version. Maybe a capability to lock a room for few seconds in order to build the next room before it enters. Maybe something to add a module spot or two in rooms. Protection bubble to modules. Repair instead of attacking. (If any of these quick thoughts can help...)
  • A seat-turret to be manly handled ?
  • ... or maybe this game isn't intended to be more of a tower defence smiley: wink
  • I like the simplicity of mechanics, heroes and modules managements. Therefore I think more variety in the discovery phase would pleased me.
  • A bit more clarity in health management would be great. The safer way is to keep eye on the upper portraits. But I want to see the mob, the heroes, their animations are pretty great !!
  • Texts are fun ! Well written.
  • ... thus I want alien discoveries inside the dungeon, visual stuff, written stuff !!
  • Would be great to have a better impression of progressing inside the mountain(?). The implicit story starts well with the ship crashed, strange rooms, finding a guy, etc... But I had not much to tell my own story later. The only stuff I believe change, is that levels end up being more sandy.

I hope you'll appreciate my quick & random thoughts smiley: wink

Bon courage to the team.
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10 years ago
May 8, 2014, 7:06:13 PM
" I think more variety in the discovery phase would pleased me. "

I agree. Very nice game. Now more event (more type of event: bosses, maybe they can speak too ?, and strange things that can happen in a alien world...) would be great.
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10 years ago
May 9, 2014, 2:31:27 PM
Not to mention that we don't know/have all the elements of basic gameplay yet: "Endless Expert" grants Wit +7 to analyze ruins.

What?? smiley: biggrin
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10 years ago
May 9, 2014, 11:10:23 PM
I'd like to see the engineer heroes have the ability to focus on repairing modules instead of fighting "combat mechanic" or something. You could toggle it on/off (or maybe it'd have a cooldown?). Either way it could be the difference between loosing your food module or not.
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10 years ago
May 10, 2014, 12:55:32 PM
Think all of the things you want to see will be featured along the way towards the final version more or less.
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10 years ago
May 10, 2014, 5:03:25 PM
trashcondor wrote:
Not to mention that we don't know/have all the elements of basic gameplay yet: "Endless Expert" grants Wit +7 to analyze ruins.

What?? smiley: biggrin

I thought "ruins" were the machines you sometimes find in rooms, granting +X in food, industry or science.... Maybe you're right smiley: wink
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10 years ago
May 11, 2014, 5:30:29 AM
MontagMcClellan wrote:
I thought "ruins" were the machines you sometimes find in rooms, granting +X in food, industry or science.... Maybe you're right smiley: wink
I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that "ruins" means contents of the room. E.g. better ruin analyzing gives you a better chance to find something good.

As for OP: The slow module is very room-specific. It really is only useful in a medium-large room your heroes are defending, or in a large/long room with a whole shitload of turrets, preferably Tesla or Machineguns. I managed to hold off 3 rooms of mobs with 4 Tesla IVs and a stun module for 30 doors. All I had to do was repair occasionally.
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10 years ago
May 11, 2014, 8:48:14 AM
ZumboPrime wrote:
I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that "ruins" means contents of the room. E.g. better ruin analyzing gives you a better chance to find something good.

If I remember correctly, what you find is purely based on luck. Tehre is a percentage for positive and a percentage for negative events (and a percentage for no events). Then there is a random number for the the quantity of loot. Endless Expert though provides a wit bonus - and wit does not seem to feature in this process.

Up until recently Endless Expert was clearly marked as not having its effect implemented into the game. I don't see anything having changed gameplay wise, so I expect it to still be useless.
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