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Claymore Mines - Friendly Fire?

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10 years ago
May 14, 2014, 7:18:43 AM
Do claymore mines AE affect cause friendly fire?

The two times I tried them, I lost a few rounds after placing them, in battles where my heroes seemed to be taking 3 times more damage in areas with claymore mines in them.

I've read a few forum posts saying they are imbalanced, but they seem to be auto-lose right after I place them!

Second question: Do effects from autodeck turrets (+10 health regen) or dust turrets (-30 move speed) stack? IE: If you play 3 autodeck and 2 dusts in a zone, does it cause enemies to move at -90 move speed and give heroes +30 health regen?
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10 years ago
May 14, 2014, 9:27:27 AM
There is no friendly fire in the game if I am not mistaken. (other than Rakya's second hand smoke causing lung cancer)

The Claymore Mines deffinitly have no friendly fire - checking the files, the AoE only has attack power for mobs.

Everything stacks. Even duplicate skills (if for example you have Opbot with Master Hacker and give him the Grim Faery Tales accessory that gives Master Hacker). The devs said this is intentional. Again, checking the xml for the specific examples you gave, there seems to be no cap implemented for these specific modules.

Of course any dev should feel free to correct me if I am wrong smiley: smile
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10 years ago
May 14, 2014, 9:33:45 AM

You're right ^^

there is no friendly fire on Claymoar smiley: wink And yes, the support module effects stack (but for "Neurostun module", it’s a percentage and mobs have a (very small) minimum of speed).
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