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Balance, module operation, and running

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10 years ago
May 24, 2014, 12:31:43 PM
hi all. I've just bought this game, having played it a few months ago. i've not gotten too far in though, but i'm starting to notice a pattern:

1. The skill that lets you operate modules seems essential. because you only need one party member to explore with, the rest have got to do something. it's a bit annoying that it isn't shown which heroes do or don't have it. I also find it kind of wierd that the blonde sword girl has it, because i really want to use her for exploring (she looks like me!) but i feel compelled to leave her manning a console :<

2. I've developed one strategy which seems to work pretty well in all situations, to the point it's getting a bit repetitive :<. I have everyone capable manning a console. I designate one frontmost room as my beachhead for defense and fill it with turrets, and i take my fastest/tankiest party member to explore. I open a door, then immediately send ALL of my party to the beachhead room, and wait there for the enemy to come and die.

Repeat ad nauseum. it feels like the most efficient way to play right now, and i'm not sure how that could be changed. maybe if some enemies made me go out and find them ?

So far i've not reached any point where this has gotten more varied, it simply gets harder until the enemies break throuigh my defenses.

Also, please make heroes autoheal with food if i can afford it :< most of the time my heroes die because i dont click the heal button fast enough
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10 years ago
May 24, 2014, 2:31:44 PM
Hi, I definitley agree that operation is a powerful perk for any hero. However the party members who don't have it tend to be either excellent explorers or brilliant at holding choke points by themselves, on the higher difficulty I find I need a balance. Regarding point 2 that's definitley my preferred strategy however the distribution of rooms with major slots often means I have to adapt, also as of the altest update thier are some monsters you need to go out and find so it seems like the devs agree with you!
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