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Thought process behind naming the difficulty-levels

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10 years ago
May 22, 2014, 8:03:26 AM
May I ask, what the thought-process behind the naming of the difficulty-levels is?

I don't know a single person who considers "Easy" to be easy.

The last time I beat it without the savegame-bug was back when there was only 5 floors.

Ever since the savegame-bug was fixed I haven't beaten it yet. (not too many attempts though)

Do the Devs know something that the players don't and which makes "Easy" easy for them?

Don't get me wrong:

The existance of a super-hard difficulty-level that gives you a massive challenge and almost noone but the very best when lucky being able to beat is cool!

But the circumstance you call it "Easy" is what leaves me doubting my ability.

Might be I'm a wimp, who does not understand how to properly play the game but I feel that "Easy" could easily be called "Hard" smiley: alder
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10 years ago
May 22, 2014, 9:39:01 AM
I confirm that Easy able to be normal but not especially hard, because every mistake can be costly. After that just be as bad luck smiley: smile
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10 years ago
May 22, 2014, 2:21:54 PM
I find a lot of subtle humor in this game. I took it as a joke, honestly. I play on too easy and I've only beaten it once.
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10 years ago
May 22, 2014, 3:09:57 PM
I always thought it was a taunt, challenging us to become harder, mocking us for being the pussies we are smiley: stickouttongue

This is the type of game I expect to have a difficulty in the final version, that is per declaration impossible to beat. And people will try beating it even harder, just for the sake of proving the one and only point of how awesome they are. Because if someone ever does beat that difficulty, he'll be the king of dungeon, the pimp of pimps, the toughest guy in town. E-penis and such, you know. It works.

But seriously, "rogue-like" games often proudly call themselves hard games, and people run around bragging about how they beat this or that game, like if it was a badge of honor. Of course it's silly, but hey, we are humans, almost everything we do is silly. So now we have a game with a simple yet powerfull message: "do you dare trying?"

I'm one of the least competiitive people on this planet, but when I first saw the screen I instantly thought "wtf? gimme at least normal or something!". So I consider that a well done little trick.
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10 years ago
May 23, 2014, 8:10:13 AM
Okay, okay, I think I get it now. ^^

How about some funny mouseover-texts for the difficulty-buttons?

Like for example:

Too easy: "Even by pressing random keys with your eyes closed you could beat it"

Easy: "You might consider opening your eyes for this"

I feel this would make it more clear that it is meant in a humorous way.
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10 years ago
May 23, 2014, 3:29:38 PM
Ail wrote:
Okay, okay, I think I get it now. ^^

How about some funny mouseover-texts for the difficulty-buttons?

Good idea!

Everyone likes tooltips (except developers of a certain not so well done game that I don't want to mention here), since they clarify things.

I just had to check, there really aren't any in the difficulty screen yet. Go for it devs, I know it's easy to do as well smiley: biggrin
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10 years ago
May 27, 2014, 7:00:44 PM
Isnt it you fail start again & learn. I like a challenge in a game. I dont like cheapness aka lets just keep re spawning bots to just beat you buy grinding you down. Or bug ridden mess. Or lets jump here when you cant see were the hell your jumping. Any Mario kart or clone take the lead & everything gets launched at you.

A games on classed as hard when you beat the keyboard to death in frustration. Annoyed me some of cheap build 8bit sega controllers flimsy to begin with & boy did I go through a few.

I remember Phantasy star had to draw your own map no google if you got stuck back then. Ah youtube the savior of gamers stuck at a stupid puzzle.
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10 years ago
May 30, 2014, 9:18:13 AM
Well, when compared to actual roguelikes like Nethack, Crawl or ADOM this game is fairly easy, so considering that the difficulty settings kinda make sense. smiley: stickouttongue
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