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Just beat the most current build 0.6.10 findings..

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10 years ago
May 30, 2014, 1:37:31 AM
using skroig, op-bot, lady whatevs "broken legion hero", and Troe. In a nutshell the game feels very balanced as far as character level progression, the minor and major nodes/modules work well except I'm not exactly sure how tear gas works or if it's even working at all.

I've seen threads about Lady whatevs "broken legion hero" being too weak and while at first she was a bit weak by end game I didn't have a problem with her and after troe got taken out on level 8 I used her as my explorer without any major problems or issues. She was the fastest character out of them all and with a few speed enhancing items she had 50 speed which made her eligible as the crystal carrier and she won the game for me.

As it is the game is very enjoyable and challenging to say the least. My only major qualms would be the mini bosses on the 6-7-8th level being too easy and not much of a threat. Also I hope they add more mob variety towards end game levels as I would get enormous mobs of those harmony crystal guys, blue and red, as well as those 4 legged orb carrying mobs. Also those flies that explode near nodes and modules would completely pass my hero's, go past the crystal to another room opposite of the action and explode in a room that was trivial. I wouldn't even bother sending a hero to exterminate them because theywould kill themselves in a pointless place and op-bot would repair the damages.

Anyone else notice these discrepancies? I love the playthrough and it took me 5 hours to complete all 8 levels casually.
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10 years ago
May 31, 2014, 8:02:21 AM
I agree about Tear-Gas. It works but it's quite underwhelming. The Dot is too low and the armor-reduction effect is rarely worth it since the armor of most mobs is not very high anyways.

Next patch, which is currently in VIP-testing will change a lot of things to the better especially about mob-variety. Can't go into details due to NDA.
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