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there will be RP customization?

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10 years ago
May 29, 2014, 2:17:14 PM
HI guys !

In first thanks a lot for your job (and accessory for this "legend" game)

Anyway i will explain my question (please don't blame me for all the faults i make in the shakespeare language).

So i would ask if there will be Rp cuztomization in solo or (later in multiplayer) game like personnal biography if we cans rename skill of the heroes?

I think it could be great for all the fan of a Rp game. that could be more immersive and in multiplayer give an awesome background (if the biogrpahy are in the universe of the 3 game of course)

so that's my question.
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10 years ago
May 30, 2014, 10:52:32 AM
We're not planning on adding tools like an interface etc., but you should be able to do so already through the localisation file: [Steaminstalldir]/Steamapps/Common/Dungeon of the Endless/Public/[Yourlanguage]/ ED_Localization_Locales.xml

Also, the changes you make through the xml files can be deleted when the game updates so make sure you actually back up your files.
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