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Bug: Weapon swap

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10 years ago
Jun 4, 2014, 3:06:24 PM
With character Max O'Kane I have him equipped with the Blastapler and just got the Six-gun. I swapped the 2 weapons in and out to see the dps differences. Instead of the dps going up and down when switching the game kept adding the +16 or so dps difference when switching from the lower to higher dps weapon. When I switched to the lower dps weapon the dps did not change back.

Edit: I just noticed this happened with another character and switching the toothpicks back and forth. This might be for all or most weapons. I will keep trying thigns out.

Edit#2 : Sry, will post int he correct area.
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10 years ago
Jun 5, 2014, 2:45:36 AM
This isn't just for weapons or a single character. The bug affects all items, weapons, and armour, but only occurs when swapping between them, not when removing and re-equipping. On the bright side, I managed to get Opbot produced 40 dust per turn and over 200 food per turn. Whoops, I meant, OPbot. smiley: cool
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