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Disappearing Inventory glitch between dungeons levels?

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11 years ago
Jan 13, 2014, 2:43:27 AM
Ahh Great Thank you guys for clearing that up! I figured it was to prevent the player from being able to get too strong!

Maybe a way to clarify that point is that all event rooms are cleared (except for mob spawns) right when the crystal leaves it's chambers?

Anyways Thanks 777 and Mysterarts! smiley: approval
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10 years ago
Jun 6, 2014, 7:09:43 AM
The777Demon wrote:
i don't think it's a glitch i think it is an intentional mechanic. Because your dust resets at the beginning of every level they probably don't want people to get an extra edge by hoarding items on one level, and then selling them on the next.

I hate to bring up old topics, but I still don't understand this restriction. I'm in the same boat as these guys:




Losing your inventory just feels like a bug. And the supposed reasoning is so that in case you meet a merchant early in the next level you won't be able to sell him your items and power up too many rooms? Couldn't you just sell your equipped items and do that anyways?

It seems like this issue could be handled in many other ways that don't feel so broken or arbitrary:

  • Reduce the selling price of items.
  • Limit the size of your inventory.
  • Award a resource other than Dust for selling your items.
  • Don't even have an inventory, force all items to be equipped at all times.

That last option feels the best to me. This would likely require two things:

  • A way to swap items between heroes (like the ability to see all of your hero's infos at the same time, which would be awesome for many other reasons);
  • Don't remove treasure chests when they are opened, instead make these the "inventory windows" (you could even use the current inventory window as the "treasure chest browser"). This would let you store items until the end of the level, and obviously those items would be left behind without any explanation needed.

  • [/LIST]

    Is there even a fiction to explain away this problem? The tooltip (which I never noticed until after reading about it on this forum) says that these are items that you "picked up", so the fiction agrees that you are carrying these items, but it doesn't explain why they are lost.

    Even after playing dozens of games I still waste money on weapons that my heroes can't use, expecting to be able to use them later on in case I find the right hero, and still being surprised when my inventory is suddenly empty. Losing your inventory just feels unnatural.
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    11 years ago
    Jan 18, 2014, 9:38:02 PM
    tetracycloide wrote:
    I'd rather remove selling items altogether than be unable to save really good equipment. If you don't get a third hero until level 3 AND you can't save items for them it feels like the RNG is killing you twice.

    I know how you feel. I was doing a run with Opbot and one of the sword wielders, and only found guns. I didn't have any merchants to sell to, and had to just let that equipment go. I'm not sure this could be improved without running the risk of overpowering the player.
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    11 years ago
    Jan 16, 2014, 3:27:39 PM
    I'd rather remove selling items altogether than be unable to save really good equipment. If you don't get a third hero until level 3 AND you can't save items for them it feels like the RNG is killing you twice.
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    11 years ago
    Jan 16, 2014, 3:08:58 PM
    I like this feature, personally. I also like using any "leftover" dust at the end of the level to equip my chars with absolutely every slot filled possible. That way you can take those things to next level and sell them if you need to. More dust.

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    11 years ago
    Jan 16, 2014, 2:52:31 AM
    DotBeta wrote:
    It's been like this for me as well, I suppose it keeps a level playing field but when finding heros along the way sometimes it would be nice to have a spare set of armor.

    That was my mindset when I bought out some merchants. What if I get that big dude with machine guns? I'd like to be ready for him or. another sword for like... half the heroes available so far? haha well, i guess its the mentality of take only what you need...
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    11 years ago
    Jan 14, 2014, 7:47:52 PM
    melkathi wrote:
    If the items are equiped on a hero, I keep them. If they are not equiped, but simpy in the inventory I lose them. I always thought this was intentional. 777's reasoning sounds logical.

    It's been like this for me as well, I suppose it keeps a level playing field but when finding heros along the way sometimes it would be nice to have a spare set of armor.
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    11 years ago
    Jan 13, 2014, 11:04:11 PM
    I think there actually is an in-game note that says that inventory items won't be carried over from level to level unless a hero has them equipped. Can't remember precisely where it is, though.
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    11 years ago
    Jan 12, 2014, 5:48:24 AM
    Hi guys,

    I've noticed that all my items get wiped from my inventory when going to the next level of the dungeon.

    I got really lucky and found the exit door right next to my ship (lvl 2 dungeon going to lvl 3) anyways I used all my dust and purchased 4-5 items from the 2 merchants I found.

    When I started the next level my inventory was wiped clean.

    Anyone else having this issue?

    also.. is that actually normal?

    smiley: confused
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    11 years ago
    Jan 12, 2014, 11:24:01 AM
    Or add a note to the tutorial :P
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    11 years ago
    Jan 12, 2014, 11:23:08 AM
    Maybe a note should be added when leaving the first level that items that not equipped will disappear.

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    11 years ago
    Jan 12, 2014, 11:16:44 AM
    If the items are equiped on a hero, I keep them. If they are not equiped, but simpy in the inventory I lose them. I always thought this was intentional. 777's reasoning sounds logical.
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    11 years ago
    Jan 12, 2014, 10:22:29 AM
    I am hoarding with succes so i think its a bug since I bought items had them next lvl

    So lets wait for an official to say if its intended or not because either way something is wrong

    He doesnt keep stuff I do
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    11 years ago
    Jan 12, 2014, 8:33:49 AM
    i don't think it's a glitch i think it is an intentional mechanic. Because your dust resets at the beginning of every level they probably don't want people to get an extra edge by hoarding items on one level, and then selling them on the next.
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    11 years ago
    Jan 12, 2014, 5:53:31 AM
    and I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to put this... can someone place it where it belongs?
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