
Victory on Easy with 34314 points in 2:27:11

Final Team: Max, Deena, Bugeater & Hikensha

KIA: Skroig, Smokestack

All research completed

Resources: 1500/700/700 (estimate)

Early strategy: Prioritize science, upgrade resource generators, research mechanical pal

Mid-game: Floating industry minimum 300 to each new level. Spam pals. Locate merchant, build shops. Shifting toward food as technologies are completed. Soften waves with tesla coils, polish them off with smoking gun.

Late game shift toward neurostun / dust field / suppressive fire. Surplus resources diverted to HUD.

Level 9 trivial. Two shops with merchants +8 dust per turn. Max with pilfer(+4 dust) opening doors. I was generating dust faster than I could power rooms. Maybe there should be an upper limit on dust income per turn?

On level 10, even without the merchants, Max was able to power almost every room through exploration. Mobs on level 10 were a bit uninspired (sorry) --- they presented little threat to my heros, once bottlenecked and neurostunned and/or webbed. Bossmobs, similarly, fell within 3-4 shots from my heroes.

Seems like I never face those friggin pink zombies or big red beetles anymore. Those were two of the most threatening mobs and their absence makes progress much, much simpler.