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lady joleri tulak too weak?

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10 years ago
May 21, 2014, 3:55:21 PM
I take the two news heroes to begin a game.

When i compare lady joleri tulak Level 3 and warden level 2, lady joleri tulak has + 50 PV & + 6 defense.

But in game, when monsters come and attack lady joleri tulak, her life reduce very quickly and i'm forced to evacuate her to a "safe room"

And Warden tank the ennemis and he can protect alone the room for the entire attack.

So i wonder if there isn't a problem with lady joleri tulak or it's just me?

Sorry for my bad english.
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10 years ago
May 21, 2014, 8:21:57 PM
I would like to second this comment, Tulak definitely seems to be on the weaker side of things.

To be honest, I'm a bit lukewarm on the whole character concept. Given that dust is so critical, reducing the amount of it available seems to be quite a handicap. If you are going to reduce it, I would hope for a much more significant boost.

But at this point, Tulak seems to be a much weaker character than most of the "main" or even "secondary" combat characters.

On the other hand, Warden is a much more interesting and functional character. Not only does he have a rational build and progression for his uses, but he has enough combat strength to not be completely useless. His special abilities also really support his character, and create much more interesting gameplay situations (see earlier point on the importance of dust)

I'd say that Tulak is intended to be a front-line fighter given her abilities, and I'd say she needs to be significantly beefed up to function as such.
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10 years ago
May 22, 2014, 8:26:23 AM

Thanks for the remark, there is actually a bug with the animation data of Joleri!

We will fix it in the next update smiley: wink
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10 years ago
May 22, 2014, 12:38:14 PM
After i play the game with another heroes, it's seem like lady joleri tulak is very weak.

With her in my group, i can't pass the 3th level (4max) and with other heroes, i can progress in the game.

There is a big problem with this charaters, thanks to you to fix that.
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10 years ago
May 24, 2014, 2:05:26 AM
I'm...not sure. I feel Joleri is ok (especially with dust thirst), and that Mormish DPS is way too low...it's just that I just need some way to get a few enemy's hp down enough to get Joleri her kill (and thus her damage boost)
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10 years ago
May 24, 2014, 2:26:47 PM
First off I really like the idea of heroes tied into dust or the resources systems, I'd love to see a few more making it through to make recruitment a bit more considered. Joleri does seem a little underpowered considering her downside, maybe a boost to her dps and life gain ability?
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10 years ago
Jun 3, 2014, 8:42:22 PM
i didn't see balance of fix for lady joleri tulak in the last update. Did you make it?
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10 years ago
Jun 3, 2014, 9:08:46 PM
Sandrock wrote:
i didn't see balance of fix for lady joleri tulak in the last update. Did you make it?

They did some balancing to all heroes, so it includes her.

She is now supposed to be very weak early on, like the other natives, but easier to level up. It should even out later in the game now.

She did ok for me at level 8 or so (can't remember exactly how far I got her).
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10 years ago
Jun 5, 2014, 9:52:06 PM
I think Lady Joleri is great. I made it all the way to the seventh floor by starting with her and Ken Massoquist. Those door opener mobs keep screwing me over though.
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10 years ago
Jun 7, 2014, 10:43:16 PM
I just unlocked her so I don't know how she was before the recent update, but I really like her in her current build. She seems to level easily and tanks well; everything she was supposed to do before the update. Good job devs!
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10 years ago
Jun 7, 2014, 11:02:21 PM
She was always a good hero even before the patch. I've beat the game with her and used her as a crystal carrier on several occasion before the patch, since the update she's balanced out nicely though
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10 years ago
Jun 8, 2014, 1:16:40 PM
Been playing with Joleri & Max: Pilfer & Thirst combo.

I think she performs quite well in the early game, when her DPS is still low and thirst has a greater impact. You can bring her up from 30 to 50 dps within 2 or 3 doors, but once she gains a few levels and finds a weapon the +20 boost, while nice, is less impressive. Thirst2 helps, but it never quite achieves the 166% buff she receives in the early game.

Her tactics change a bit in the mid-game. Once she gets powers like Hold the Line, she makes a great buffer for your defenses: park her on the front line, maybe with some dust fields and let the melee mobs bunch up against her. Once you've got a good group together and she starts taking serious damage, fall back TWO rooms into autodocs through seblaster cover (3+). With 2 or 3 upgraded autodocs she should get a substantial portion of her health back before the mobs reach her, and by the time they do, they will have taken some pretty serious damage. The slow rate of fire on the seblasters can be a problem, so having a second hero to swap in and delay the mobs can help, but be careful not to let them get shredded.
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10 years ago
Jun 11, 2014, 5:58:18 PM
Joleri is booty. Having her among your heroes costs you the single most precious resource, Dust. Her activated abilities cost you even more dust. Everything she does is done better by another character, meaning that there is absolutely no reason to have her on your team if you have any choice. If a character is going to cost you the SINGLE MOST PRECIOUS THING IN THE GAME, then that character should be a mighty powerhouse, or at least have some abilities that are game changing, like, I dunno the ability to erect a barricade that temporarily stops mobs from advancing, or maybe a the ability to randomly one hit a mob or something. Currently she just has nothing to offer. Might as well have her wear a pink gi and cry for her father.
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