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Please FIX the targeting system!!

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10 years ago
Jun 10, 2014, 12:28:38 AM
It's so frustrating that sometimes I want to cry.

My game was PERFECT, almost everything researched, heroes very well levelled, tunnels with lights and long corridors with weapons... then a SINGLE door-opener mob spawned, along a ton of other mobs.

I couldn't stop the DAMN thing because the heroes attacked ANY other mob than THAT piece of shit. It kept opening doors until the mobs OVERWHELM me. I'm talking more than 10 red crystal spiders, 8 advanced dust eaters, among other dozens and dozens of mobs.

As I told you before, I don't mind of losing a game where I made a mistake. But not when the problem is in the game SYSTEM! Please FIX the damn targeting system, with priorities. It's so stupid when you lose because the heroes simply wont attack the most important target in the occasion.
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10 years ago
Jun 10, 2014, 2:03:33 AM
Yes, the Door Openers are a problem. If they walk towards your heroes, you can usually kill them. If they walk towards another direction you are screwed. A lot of the time you might as well quit the game right there. Especially if the Door Opener finds the exit and the next doors it opens will spawn extra many mobs.
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10 years ago
Jun 10, 2014, 2:09:31 AM
I my case, the problem was that the room that had the door-opener ramming the door was filled with other mobs, and the heroes - Sara and Max - were hitting ANY other mob... EXCEPT the most urgent target to take down at the time. And as the door-opener followed to the next room, the heroes followed it, and the mobs followed the heroes, repeating the process. There was nothing that I could do, because the problem is in the game itself.

It's pretty much the way it was back at 5.0 or something, where the crystal golem entered in a room with a major module and the heroes insisted in attack the dust-eater, while the module was being destroyed for the Nth time.
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10 years ago
Jun 10, 2014, 9:21:47 PM
Right now I can see how some people are having trouble taking out door openers but if you place your hero's in the right places as a door opener is making his way to a door he can be taken out quite easily. I agree it would be nice to have hero's target the highest priority but it doesn't break the game, it just requires a little extra thought as far as timing.
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10 years ago
Jun 11, 2014, 4:23:42 AM
There's always someone saying 'the problem isn't the game, it's you who doesn't know how to play it'. ¬¬

It was a door-opener surrounded by other mobs in the same room it was acting. Again, I'll repeat: a room with 6 targets: A, B, C, D, E, F and G, being G the door-opener. The door-opener is ramming a door in this very room and the hero doesn't target it. The door it was targeting wasnt BEHIND my lines as happens most of the time, nor it was running into a distant door in the map, where it could be taken down easily.
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10 years ago
Jun 11, 2014, 1:02:20 PM
it may not be to change the IA, but may be an option to add heroes to choose what what monsters must attack first.
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10 years ago
Jun 12, 2014, 10:31:23 AM

Yes, we know the problem and we’re working on different solutions.

We apologise for the inconvenience that the current system causes.

We’re trying for the moment to improve the AI rather than adding an interface or some micro-interactions.

The idea of dynamic priorities (to target the current most important danger in the room) is good but really complex to implement in our current (very static) system.
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10 years ago
Jun 12, 2014, 12:27:23 PM
Mysterarts wrote:

Yes, we know the problem and we’re working on different solutions.

We apologise for the inconvenience that the current system causes.

We’re trying for the moment to improve the AI rather than adding an interface or some micro-interactions.

The idea of dynamic priorities (to target the current most important danger in the room) is good but really complex to implement in our current (very static) system.

I was going to suggest a panel to set priorities for your heroes, but since that would be considered an interface, perhaps heroes could have the same priority mechanics as the offensive modules?

It would play off their strengths and weaknesses, such as Ranged/DPS focusing specials, Tanks would focus Anti-Module/Hero mobs, etc.

Just an idea. smiley: biggrin
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10 years ago
Jun 12, 2014, 3:32:28 PM
Apart from different mob type priorities, something that also needs to change is that the heroes need to finish off damaged mobs. Just lost a game due to the heroes ignoring the "hero attackers" at 5% health and instead attacking the 100% health aoe guys, if they had just finished them off the fight would have been very easy.
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10 years ago
Jun 13, 2014, 6:08:41 AM
Mysterarts wrote:

Yes, we know the problem and we’re working on different solutions.

We apologise for the inconvenience that the current system causes.

We’re trying for the moment to improve the AI rather than adding an interface or some micro-interactions.

The idea of dynamic priorities (to target the current most important danger in the room) is good but really complex to implement in our current (very static) system.

It's interesting to know that you are trying to improve the targeting system, since I'm not having issues winning because of this "problem" system that everyone keeps complaining about. It possibly needs tweaking, but in my opinion, knowing my heroes always attack the big tank AOE mobs just makes for a bigger challenge. I also agree with you about negating an interface or some sort of player micro-interaction; it would ruin the game.

I look forward to your AI improvements, but I don't think there can be a perfect solution if heroes always have a set priority target based on the "class" of the mob. The correct priority target for one situation may not be the same next, especially with how different each play through can be. I believe I read something that Steph'nie posted that said your modules have different priority targets based on the "class" of the mobs. If this is the case, then simply making the heroes priority target the mob with the least amount of health would be the most efficient mob-damage reducing solution in most cases. The module choices gives an interface loving player the control they’re looking for and the "least-health-mob" attack priority would be preferred by any skilled microer in 99% of all situations, just ask any Starcraft 2 Player.
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