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Help: Buying from merchant

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10 years ago
Jun 16, 2014, 6:06:28 PM
I just started playing this last night, and I'm a bit confused when shopping at a merchant.

The top display while in-game, there are yellow boxes on the top indicating what rooms I have powered, and how many more I can power, I figured that out. And next to that is a Dust amount. I thought that was how much dust I had available to purchase items, but when I go to a merchant, even if I have something like 120 dust, I can't buy something that costs 20 dust.

I figured that maybe some of that Dust was tied up powering rooms, so I couldn't use it to buy stuff, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to calculate how much I actually have to spend. Is that displayed somewhere?

I searched the forums a bit and couldn't find anything.
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10 years ago
Jun 16, 2014, 6:47:48 PM
Well, each item says exactly how much it costs.

What I believe is your problem is that you cannot buy things with dust if it's currently used to power your rooms. You can either:

1) Have dust sitting in your "bank" and do nothing but provide power

2) Leave some rooms unpowered and treat the dust freed this way as currency

Hope this helps smiley: smile

EDIT - for clarification purposes: each 10 dust sitting in your "bank" and doing nothing = 1 room that you can power.
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10 years ago
Jun 16, 2014, 9:23:51 PM
MobileOak wrote:
I just started playing this last night, and I'm a bit confused when shopping at a merchant.

The top display while in-game, there are yellow boxes on the top indicating what rooms I have powered, and how many more I can power, I figured that out. And next to that is a Dust amount. I thought that was how much dust I had available to purchase items, but when I go to a merchant, even if I have something like 120 dust, I can't buy something that costs 20 dust.

I figured that maybe some of that Dust was tied up powering rooms, so I couldn't use it to buy stuff, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to calculate how much I actually have to spend. Is that displayed somewhere?

If you have 125 dust and 12 rooms powered you've used most of your dust to power rooms. Each room cost 10 dust to power, so you would have 5 dust to spend at the merchant.

If you un-power 2 rooms of your 12 powered rooms, you will have 10 rooms powered and 25 dust to spend at the merchant.

This is shown at the top of the screens as total dust 125, 12 yellow markers implying you have 12 rooms powered. When you un-power the rooms those 2 rooms, you will see 2 of your 12 markers greyed out.
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10 years ago
Jun 16, 2014, 9:40:15 PM
In an earlier build a popup asked you if you want to unpower rooms in order to make the purchase. For some reason they have removed that and you now have to unpower rooms manually before shopping.
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10 years ago
Jun 17, 2014, 9:58:03 AM
Ail wrote:
In an earlier build a popup asked you if you want to unpower rooms in order to make the purchase. For some reason they have removed that and you now have to unpower rooms manually before shopping.

The old system would unpower a random room (which was more annoying than anything, actually). Now, the player needs to choose which room they want to unpower. But I agree, the message could explain it better.
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