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OMG - Max FTW!

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10 years ago
Jun 16, 2014, 1:42:02 PM
Feel free to ignore this post or something, because it's pretty trite, but holy guacamole, I can't believe I pulled it off.

It was going quite well ... I lost a few characters, but I was able to recover them, and my food income was strong, so the losses weren't overly severe, until level 10, when I lost 3/4 of my team all at once. It was just Max, left on his own, and plenty of rooms still in the dark. With 10-15 doors open, it was looking pretty grim. But I found the exit after a few attempts, rerouted my power, dropped a few neurostuns down and pulled off the win!

It was a dreadfully low score, <15000 pts, but friggin' epic in my books anyway. I'm enjoying the game so far.
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10 years ago
Jun 16, 2014, 9:13:06 PM
TacticalPteridactyl wrote:
Feel free to ignore this post or something, because it's pretty trite, but holy guacamole, I can't believe I pulled it off.

It was going quite well ... I lost a few characters, but I was able to recover them, and my food income was strong, so the losses weren't overly severe, until level 10, when I lost 3/4 of my team all at once. It was just Max, left on his own, and plenty of rooms still in the dark. With 10-15 doors open, it was looking pretty grim. But I found the exit after a few attempts, rerouted my power, dropped a few neurostuns down and pulled off the win!

It was a dreadfully low score, <15000 pts, but friggin' epic in my books anyway. I'm enjoying the game so far.

Max is the MVP of this game for sure!
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10 years ago
Jun 17, 2014, 2:40:16 PM
I have always avoided Max like the plague during a play through, after reading this I decided it was time to give him a try and while I enjoy it style of gameplay I think I'll stick to my forumla, doesn't make him a bad character or anything just different strokes for different folks smiley: smile.
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10 years ago
Jun 17, 2014, 3:30:31 PM
Ah, Max was always my favourite... Reminds me of Han Solo... or of Space Dandy.

Nowadays, I've been trying out Golgy strats. Her damage is relatively high and with two device slots she can be fairly versatile. Only trick is getting her level up high enough to be survivable, and getting her support modules (dust field, suppressive & bio-organics) upgraded. It's easy for her to get steamrolled, particularly given the temptation to let her fight alone.
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