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Tales from the Infirmary

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10 years ago
Jun 20, 2014, 2:21:48 AM
After a lot of annoyance (the Loading 100% bug), I finally unlocked both the Infirmary and Drill Pod (in the same game...).

Which means that now I can have some roleplaying fun!

Select ship: the Infirmary

Select starting hero: Nurse Deena Ratchet (who was in the Infirmary when the ship was attacked) + 1 Random patient who was sick and in the infirmary when you know.

Why not Opbot? He is a healer! Well, he is a prisoner, so he probably did not staff the infirmary and as a robot never was sick to be send there.


The dust slowly settles. Nurse Ratchet slowly opens first one, then the other eyes. Everything is blurry. An alarm is wailing in her ear, the ship's systems warning of a loss of hull integrity. Somewhere ahead she can hear the sound of the infirmary doors trying to seal themselves, failing and trying again, and again. She tries to stand but can't. Looking down she sees she is still strapped into the emergency seat, her hands still clutching the edge of the seat and refusing to let go. She takes a deep breath, coughs up the smoke. She slowly spreads her fingers, lets go of the seat. Unbuckling the straps is easier. She gets up and looks around. "EVERYONE ALIVE?!" she shouts. They teased her about her loud voice, but now it seems appropriate. There is no answer though; apparently everyone is not alive. With all the smoke it is hard to see. The fact that her eyes would prefer to not focus does not help. She touches her head and groans. Probably a concussion. She stumbles over to one of the cabinets and grabs some stims; they are strong, but she has the feeling that she'll need them. Then she hears something; it sounds like a moan. She tries to locate where it came from. Then she sees someone stir. She runs towards them "STAY STILL! LET ME CHECK YOU OUT!" She reaches the man and for a moment she hesitates. It is Gork the Butcher. Out of all the people he had to survive the crash. She takes a few steps back, fumbles for her sidearms. Suddenly protocol does not seem all that silly, when demanding all officers to be armed at all times. She points the gun at the prone giant of a man. For a moment she stands there, considering putting him out of her misery. Then she replaces the gun in it's holster. She takes a syringe and jabs it into the man, pumping his system full of stims. He stirs again, slowly manages to support himself, first on all four, then leaning against the wall. "NOW DON'T GET ANY IDEAS! WELL WAIT HERE FOR REINFORCEMENTS, THEN IT IS BACK TO THE CELL!" Training her gun on him she moves towards the door. Twice she nearly stumbles over the corpses of prison guards. She takes a peak outside the door and freezes. She does not know what the room is, but it is not the ship's corridor. There are some more bodies and bits of debries scattered across the large room. Right in the middle she sees the restrainer they had brought Gork in with. "GORK, GET OVER HERE!" She waves him towards the restrainer. "PUT THAT ON." Still groggy, he complies. "NOW YOU TRY ANYTHING AND I'LL ZAP YOU WITH TEN THOUSAND VOLT. UNDERSTAND?" she holds up the control, waves it at him. A sound interrupts them. A scratching sound. A clawing sound. Something is outside the room's door. Something knows they are here. And it does not sound like the ship's crew. Nurse Ratchet and Gork stare at the door and almost as if choreographed they both take a step back. The scratching intensifies. Whatever causes it, it is no longer alone. Without taking his eyes off the door, Gork kneels down next to a dead guard, grabs the biggest gun in the room. He gestures towards the door. Deena nods...


Loving the infirmary ship. Only on Floor 2 so far, but it is making for an interesting run.
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10 years ago
Jun 20, 2014, 3:58:23 AM
Haha neat, don't know how you play with the loading bug, but it's cool to achieve stuff first smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Jun 20, 2014, 7:52:45 AM
Zigeye wrote:
Haha neat, don't know how you play with the loading bug, but it's cool to achieve stuff first smiley: smile

I'm stubborn smiley: smile

And I got lucky I guess smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Jun 20, 2014, 11:45:18 AM
Not sure if this is working as intended or if it is a bug:

The skill Placebo does not cause heroes to regen health.

The skill Paramedic does let heroes regen health.

Vigorlamide does let heroes regen health.

So is there something wrong with Placebo or was it intentionally disabled?
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10 years ago
Jun 20, 2014, 12:28:08 PM
Yes, it's intended for Placebo: the passive health regen skills are disabled (exept Energivore) in the Infirmary Pod.

But Vigorlamide should not be available: thanks for the report!
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10 years ago
Jun 20, 2014, 8:10:49 PM
Mysterarts wrote:

But Vigorlamide should not be available: thanks for the report!

Why not? It is awesome :P

After all, for health regen you just end up searching for a restrainer, or nano-bros or any other item that gives health regen smiley: smile
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