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Operating Modules and Multiple Witty Heroes

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10 years ago
Jun 20, 2014, 9:30:45 PM
Let me start with a example:

Started a game with 2 heroes that learn the operate module ability, Max and Rakya. After leveling them up a bit, I assigned Rakya to a Food module on the front lines, and sent Max exploring, earning me the bonus food.

After a couple rooms I had enough food and wanted to level Max up, right after a fight on the same room Rakya is operating. Max learns the operating ability, and since he has more wit than Rakya, he takes the module over , losing me the bonus for the next 2 turns. Now, every time I need Max to go to this room and help Rakya, Max will take the module over and I'll lose the bonus.

Can we have a operator selection feature?

Maybe we should manually click the module so the Hero goes to operate it (But then you could accidentally click it during battle or something), or once a Hero is operating, we can opt to lock it to that module, so Heroes that come to fight in that room don't push him over?
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10 years ago
Jun 20, 2014, 11:28:36 PM
The moment Max moves away, if Rakya doesn't move from the room she should still have her bonus active.
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10 years ago
Jun 21, 2014, 1:14:54 AM
melkathi wrote:
The moment Max moves away, if Rakya doesn't move from the room she should still have her bonus active.

^^This. As long as the operating hero doesn't *exit* the room, their operator delay doesn't reset. For example, you can test how much bonus a hero was giving by telling them to move to another room, then telling them to go back to the module before they get through the door.

I'm not sure what happens if two operator-capable heroes are in a room during a door opening-- for example, I don't know whether you could remove either and have the other operate without a delay.
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10 years ago
Jun 21, 2014, 3:24:53 AM
Just tested this, it is correct. I must have missed it in the middle of battle chaos, but when you take the new hero away from the module, the bonus comes back.

So, although it is a little bit confusing, ignore my initial post, sorry and thanks for the fast reply guys.
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