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Minor annoyances

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10 years ago
Jun 20, 2014, 5:36:51 PM
Played through 0.8.5 a couple of times now. Just a couple of notes.

  • Remains annoying how you can't assign which heroes are assigned to hotkeys 1 and 2 when character selecting. I like my runner to be assigned to the "1" key, but the first character I select is always assigned to the "2" key. Just annoying, doubly so when you are selecting 4 people in for the armory. Good luck getting them assigned to the numbers you want.

  • If you place an Emergency Generator in an Auto-powered room by accident (I can't imagine anyone wanting to do this on purpose), deleting the generator removes the auto-power effect. This has only happened twice and I'll eventually learn my lesson, but I just wondered if this was intentional or a glitch.

  • The KIP cannon seems incredibly OP'd at the moment. I never research any other weapons.

  • Emergency Generators make the final levels an absolute cakewalk. You can just beeline for the exit by levels 9 and 10.

  • 100% loading glitch made me want to throw something. Thank you for the hotfix.

Also, can't thank you enough for handling this early access so well and creating such a fun game. You guys are the gold standard.
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10 years ago
Jun 21, 2014, 9:03:12 AM
I guess I can add my issues here:

Merchant bug still occurs. Went to buy an item in Infirmary, clicked on Merchant item, then my item, and instead of the old item going to inventory, it straight disappeared. *sigh* Items had identical names, but not stats. (Not the first time with this bug, so I guess I just need to not rely on expected buying behavior moving forward). (8.5)

When dismissing a hero, equipped items disappear and don't go into inventory. (pre hotfix)

100% loading freeze, Infirmary level 3 (8.5)

Heal button underneath the portrait is annoying when you accidentally click it. Please consider having an option to remove it, and use a keybind (or even left/right/middle click on portrait) to heal. Again, when all your characters are perpetually injured (Infirmary), it's pretty easy to misclick a few times.

Would be great to be able to see wit thresholds on modules (if it doesn't scale per each wit increase). For instance, I made a couple of mech. pals on a merchant shop room, but wasn't able to raise the bonus from +2 to +3. (I think I hit +18 wit without it changing.)

How does defense work? Is it a block per hit? I think on one of the FAQs it said defense is percent reduction, but wouldn't that mean a defense of 100 or more is invulnerable?

Repairing while out of combat takes days on Infirmary. It almost seems like it's using the in-combat repair speed for this. I hope this is not intended to have to wait for long repairs on this ship.
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