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Oh damn.

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10 years ago
Jun 24, 2014, 5:21:29 PM
I've been looking at the patch notes. I'm thinking I will never complete the game. Almost everything increases difficulty, I have to say other than FTL this is the only game of this type I have played so I'm confident it is partly due to my sucking. But I for the life of me can't get past level 9. Although I am glad the necrothingys are weaker.
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10 years ago
Jun 24, 2014, 5:31:49 PM
The previous build had been your best chance yet to finish the game. It had trivialized difficulty smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Jun 24, 2014, 6:18:58 PM
Just use Max O' Kane and his Pilfer skill to open every door. You'll win if you're good enough to get to level 9. Dust is key to success. I have a guide on here that still basically works for 0.8.5.
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10 years ago
Jun 24, 2014, 6:43:25 PM
melkathi wrote:
The previous build had been your best chance yet to finish the game. It had trivialized difficulty smiley: smile

Guess that I really must just suck then. =)
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10 years ago
Jun 24, 2014, 6:48:10 PM
Fabs wrote:
Don't worry, you'll eventually get the grip.

Are you defense-towering enough in the beginning?

Yeah really the problem is when I get to level 9 I always seem to get 3 or 4 possible pathways and I have really awful luck and keep picking the right way last so the necrothings spam my generator and destroy it before I can find the exit. I think maybe having defenses in the generator room would help but that would probably make it a bit too easy.
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10 years ago
Jun 24, 2014, 7:40:04 PM
once co-op is implemented we'll be able to team up and work on this together smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Jun 24, 2014, 9:16:17 PM
Difficulty ramps up the more doors you open. if you have several doors to your crystal room, you should not go far all the way in one direction.

Have Max open only the first door on every direction, as you build up. Alternate all paths to open 1 room in each, so that you get at least 3 rooms of distance to your crystal asap, before the mobs get too nasty.

The rooms closest to your crystal, you should fill up with mechanical pals to improve major module yield.

You should back up as much industry as possible. Try to hoard enough to be able to plop out full rooms at the first ~12 doors, then keep saving as much as you can to the next level. Avoid spending more than 50% of your per turn industry income after the 12th door.
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10 years ago
Jun 24, 2014, 9:57:03 PM
melkathi wrote:
once co-op is implemented we'll be able to team up and work on this together smiley: smile

Yeah definitely, I think I will need someone else's help. Or at least more practice

Brazilian_Joe wrote:
Difficulty ramps up the more doors you open. if you have several doors to your crystal room, you should not go far all the way in one direction.

Have Max open only the first door on every direction, as you build up. Alternate all paths to open 1 room in each, so that you get at least 3 rooms of distance to your crystal asap, before the mobs get too nasty.

The rooms closest to your crystal, you should fill up with mechanical pals to improve major module yield.

You should back up as much industry as possible. Try to hoard enough to be able to plop out full rooms at the first ~12 doors, then keep saving as much as you can to the next level. Avoid spending more than 50% of your per turn industry income after the 12th door.

Yeah I do that I always seem to get unlucky with picking which doors to go through and those flying bugs seem to outpace the turrets and such and I get swamped. I very nearly managed to get past level 9 today. Found the room but on the way back the generator got destroyed again. I'm enjoying it though. It is quite challenging.
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10 years ago
Jun 25, 2014, 2:22:28 PM
I've only played this version and the last one and I've tried about 9 or 10 runs total so I'll probably get it done closer to release. I'm not too sure what everything does so when I figure it out fully I'm sure I'll have a better idea of what the best things to do are.
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10 years ago
Jun 26, 2014, 3:56:09 PM
Yes i can feel your pain. I'm stuck on floor 9 too, and i don't know why, everytime i get there i always fail to find the exit until is too late :P
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10 years ago
Jun 26, 2014, 4:49:43 PM
Hakko wrote:
Yes i can feel your pain. I'm stuck on floor 9 too, and i don't know why, everytime i get there i always fail to find the exit until is too late :P

i´m glat that at least i´m not the only one...
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10 years ago
Jun 26, 2014, 5:39:35 PM
Practice makes perfect and once you get your set of hero's and routine down you'll be beating it in no time smiley: biggrin. I can't wait for multiplayer!
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