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No Double Pilfer. WAI or Bug?

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10 years ago
Jun 18, 2014, 2:17:16 AM
I was under the impression that everything was meant to stack in Dungeon of the Endless. For example, I remember having two copies of Master Hacker on OpBot (one natural, the other from Grim Fairy Tales), resulting in double the Wit bonus to Operate. That was before the most recent set of updates, though, so I'm wondering if things have changed.

The thing that got me wondering is Pilfer (if the door opener has Pilfer and if the revealed room gives any dust, +2 bonus dust). Max gets the ability naturally; I gave it to him a second time with the Third Eye device. It still appears only once on his skill list, though, and he still gets only +2 bonus dust at a door. Is this working as intended, or should Max with a Third Eye have two copies of the Pilfer ability (and therefore get +4 bonus dust)?

I also tested putting the Third Eye on Troe and having both Max and Troe open a door together. Apparently, the game seems to check for Pilfer only on the hero who reached the door first. Again, is this working as intended, or is this a bug?

In both cases, I kind of hope it's WAI, since the alternatives would invite horrible abuse; however, I was under the impression that things in this game stacked.
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10 years ago
Jun 18, 2014, 7:40:06 AM
I had some discussions about this on Steam. As far as I know, it doesn't stack, and it's not suppose to. The only way to get a better Pilfer is to level Max up to 10 or 15, where he gets the next level of Pilfer giving you +3 and +4 respectfully.
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10 years ago
Jun 18, 2014, 9:18:12 AM
It seems that:

Before the last update things were meant to stack.

With the update, giving heroes access to higher level and introducing ranks for skills, they no longer stack. To get a better pilfer, you have to have a higher rank in the skill now and not more items.
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10 years ago
Jul 16, 2014, 6:25:01 AM
i dont know of any abilities that stack; though some do show up twice on your abilities bar. the only way i know how to stack something is to have 2 heroes with the same ability. BUT with pilfer it seems to be the first hero to tough the door his will work( or if they dont have pilfer and thought the door first even if both open it, the one without it be who's abilities work(or dont work))
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