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Dungeon of the Endless is a Rogue-Like Dungeon-Defense game

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10 years ago
Jul 16, 2014, 6:11:06 PM
well its amazing but I want to know how to protect the generator on the ship which has crashed during their way to reach the goal?
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10 years ago
Jul 16, 2014, 8:12:46 PM
Well... figuring that out is the point of the game. At first you should keep one of your starting heroes nearby to eliminate enemies as they approach. As the level progresses, you can use dust to power up rooms, making them safe. You won't have enough dust to power them all.

Welcome and good luck, soldier.
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10 years ago
Jul 16, 2014, 8:22:40 PM
Hitting ctrl the L-click mouse powers rooms. You need 10 dust to power a room. You must protect it with your lives!!!! Does this answer and TacticalPteridactyl response answer your questions? I wasn't sure if I understood it smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Jul 23, 2014, 9:17:47 AM
adriatomy wrote:
well its amazing but I want to know how to protect the generator on the ship which has crashed during their way to reach the goal?

You can do a couple of things:

- Power up any room between point A [ship] and B [exit]. Enemies can't spawn in powered room, meaning there will be less of them on the way.

- It's usually best for the fastest and least combat-oriented hero to carry the Power Core. (S)He will carry it faster AND will be more useful than in combat.

- Be sure to have defenses set towards exit and any unpowered room. It's the way you will have to travel.

- Power Core will shut down any room it exits, meaning defenses on the front are more important than the ones in the back as they'll power down as soon as you leave the room.

- Have your other heroes to protect the Power Core carrier or boost defense is crucial choke points (it can be either front of back, depending on situation).
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