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Leveling Heroes (Blindly)

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10 years ago
Jul 26, 2014, 4:48:55 PM
My concern is that currently leveling heroes is done blindly - you only get indicator informing you of any new abilities your hero will gain. You do not know what ability this will be. It's awkward, because you have to "remember" (or check one wiki or another) what kind of abilities what heroes gain at what point. I am not sure if this is supposed to add to risk & reward approach, but it subtracts the strategic gameplay in terms of planning your moves. I think knowing the upgrades for heroes beforehand would be better, given the costs of upgrading heroes on higher levels.
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10 years ago
Jul 28, 2014, 4:06:49 PM
I kinda like not knowing what I have in store for me when I select my hero's, if you know exactly what each hero will give you then it only makes choosing and using a specific group that much more predictable. Take Max for example everyone and their mom knows he gets pilfer so everyone uses him.
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10 years ago
Jul 29, 2014, 7:33:47 AM
I understand the sentiment, but you've underlined the problem yourself - since everybody will know what abilities the hero has it defeats the purpose of having hidden abilities. Perhaps unlocking his abilities' preview once the hero has been unlocked - or won a run with - could be an acceptable compromise between both positions?
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10 years ago
Jul 29, 2014, 6:58:38 PM
Or once the hero is unlocked and has been trained to that level smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Jul 29, 2014, 8:05:20 PM
When playing on higher difficulty levels it often is an important decision in what order to level the heros. So I'd support the ingame preview to show what the hero gets.

On the other hand, knowledge is part of the skill. ^^
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10 years ago
Jul 29, 2014, 9:03:33 PM
I think that given the fact that the game is meant to be replayed over and over, hiding the next skill behind a question mark is not really useful. It would only be useful if the heroes got their skills in a randomized order. But right now they have a fixed order, and also levels 5, 10 and 15 tend to have the better ones. So it's kinda pointless to hide them.

IMO, Either randomize the skills (or have them optionally randomized) or do away with hiding the next skill.
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10 years ago
Aug 21, 2014, 8:04:05 PM
Sorry I am late to the party... But. my $0.02 is this: it would be awesome if the ability you get at those levels isn't fixed, but instead randomized between say 4 or 5 different abilities. Then the blindness would be with a purpose instead of causing you to try to remember what that ability was. Without some random factor I agree, make it known what it will be.

Even with a random factor there will be wikis out there and people will look up what it MAY be, but it still would give it a surprise element and cause you to think of strategies on the fly.
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10 years ago
Aug 26, 2014, 10:03:14 PM
I think heroes should level on their own through operating and getting kills. I never really liked the food mechanic. Maybe food could be used to unlock skills for the heroes instead. A VERY basic skill tree with some either or choices or something (almost like perks). That way, you still get the stat boosts from your heroes leveling on their own, but you still have a bit of choice with your heroes and the food mechanic is still usful.
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10 years ago
Aug 27, 2014, 1:05:02 PM
I really like that idea, would force you more to move heroes around so that others can level up their stats while you get to choose what sort of skills they specialise in. There would have to be different starting points in the skill tree or different skill tress for character, since each character is better at other things. Don't know if Amplitude will have time to review stuff like this right now though. they want to release the game pretty soon don't they?
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10 years ago
Aug 27, 2014, 2:14:01 PM
Hello everyone,

Thanks for your suggestions!

The game is a mix between a lot of genres (dungeon crawler / rogue-like, tower defense, RPG...) that's why we decided to keep simple the elements while remaining simple.

It's the same for the character progression, which is not as complete and deep as a pure RPG smiley: wink

So for the release, we don't plan to add more options of hero customization. But we read carefully your feedback for potential evolutions of the game smiley: smile
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