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DOTE exclusive content that people get buying another game

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10 years ago
Sep 3, 2014, 1:51:27 PM
You think it's fair that people buying EL will get content in DOTE that is forbidden for people that dont buy EL but paid a premium for DOTE?

smiley: confused
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10 years ago
Sep 3, 2014, 2:56:00 PM
dorobo wrote:
You think it's fair that people buying EL will get content in DOTE that is forbidden for people that dont buy EL but paid a premium for DOTE?

smiley: confused

They're perks for purchasing the EL founder pack, buying the classic version doesn't get you any perks. The same goes for buying DotE founder pack, you get the Josh N'tello, the Library pod and Vaulters Faction for ES as a perk as well as a custom Vaulters skin for EL. The thing is these perks will eventually become available to everyone, for example, when EL becomes officially released the Vaulters faction will become available to everyone to has ES not just DotE founders. I would expect the same to happen to the EL perks for DotE, although it won't be for a while. Saying you're forbidden from accessing these perks just isn't true.

So do I think it's nice to get a little extra for spending a little more, absolutely. If you don't want to support EL but want the founder perks then be patient.
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10 years ago
Sep 5, 2014, 2:13:30 PM
Also if you consider the fact that they announced that the Vaulters are going to get added to ES for everyone who has Disarmony, I think the current exclusive perks are only currently exclusive, and may be released later for everyone.
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