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"Kreyang is available for Endless Legend Founder Pack owners"

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10 years ago
Sep 14, 2014, 6:02:18 PM
Does this mean for release? On the beta I've only got the starting four unlocked.

Unrelated: Is there a wiki or something with a formulas for how defense and wit work? Wit I'm slowly building a table to calculate, but it's tedious.
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10 years ago
Sep 14, 2014, 7:59:32 PM
Darvon wrote:
Unrelated: Is there a wiki or something with a formulas for how defense and wit work? Wit I'm slowly building a table to calculate, but it's tedious.

I don't remember the formula for a damage calculator, but for wit you get a bonus equivalent to 50% of hero's wit (round half up).
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10 years ago
Sep 15, 2014, 10:50:50 AM

Damage = Attack power x (1 - (Defense / ( Defense + 100 )))
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10 years ago
Sep 16, 2014, 6:16:42 AM
That does not look right.

Let's fill the variables with values

Attack Power = 50

Defence =20

Damage = 50 x (1-(20/20+100))

Damage = 50 x (1-(1+100))

Damage = 50 x -100

Damage = -5000

It doesnt matter how high or low the defence is because the result is always -5000(when Attack is 50) because (1-(Defense / Defense + 100)) is always -100.
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10 years ago
Sep 16, 2014, 6:52:02 AM

Damage = 50 * (1-(20/120))

Damage = 50 * (1-0.17)

Damage = 50 * 0.83

Damage = 41
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10 years ago
Sep 16, 2014, 6:52:17 AM
Frogomat wrote:
That does not look right.

Let's fill the variables with values

Attack Power = 50

Defence =20

Damage = 50 x (1-(20/20+100))

Damage = 50 x (1-(1+100))

Damage = 50 x -100

Damage = -5000

It doesnt matter how high or low the defence is because the result is always -5000(when Attack is 50) because (1-(Defense / Defense + 100)) is always -100.

You got an error there. Let me put in a set of bracets more to make it clearer smiley: smile

Damage = Attack power x (1 - (Defense / (Defense + 100)))
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10 years ago
Sep 16, 2014, 7:25:51 AM
But there are no braces in the post of Mysterarts. And if you put braces there you change the formula. smiley: wink

The error is not on my side.

@Lynx_gnt: Sorry but your calculation is wrong.
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10 years ago
Sep 16, 2014, 7:55:55 AM
Frogomat wrote:
Sorry but your calculation is wrong.

So, if my calculation is wrong, what is the real answer? smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Sep 16, 2014, 8:09:16 AM
Frogomat wrote:
Lynx_gnt: See my first post. And dont forget: multiplication and division before addition and subtraction smiley: wink. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_operations for more details.

I remeber that smiley: stickouttongue i just know from the the beginning, that in this formula Defence is divided on Defence + 100, not just Defence/Defence. This will be silly, as result always will be the same.
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10 years ago
Sep 16, 2014, 8:15:17 AM
Right smiley: biggrin. And that is why i complain about it. But now that the formula has back its brackets everything is fine smiley: cool
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10 years ago
Sep 16, 2014, 11:24:36 AM
smiley: approvalsmiley: approvalsmiley: approval

Yay for brackets smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Sep 18, 2014, 8:36:33 PM
I am new here and bought both Dungeon of the Endless and Endless Legend as Founder Packs, wanted to ask some stuff about Dungeon of the Endless:

1) If you own both games as Founder pack, is the Drakken hero this Kreyang charakter and what is the new ship from Endless Legend and are both of them already automatically available in the game?

2) Do you have to connect your account frome here to the game?

3) Hero Josh and the ship pack Library and the soundtrack are not yet available?

4) What about skins for Vaulter Units of the game Endless Legend, also not yet available?

5) I see 4 unlocked heroes now and 14 greyed out and also 1 unlocked ship and 3 greyed out, is it correct?

I'm little bit confused, cause normally you have to connect your steam account with the developer/publisher account to get all the advantages of the founder packs.

Do you have to unlock first Kreyang and the new ship and how?

Thanks in advance!
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10 years ago
Sep 18, 2014, 11:38:45 PM
What you see is correct.

Steam will do everything for you. It knows what you have bought and will automatically unlock content for the respective games based on that.

That said, the ships aren't in the game yet.

Regarding the two characters, having the founder packs means you can encounter them during the game and then unlock them just as you would other characters - they are not unlocked automatically as starting characters.
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